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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Refers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. May include photographs made by digital means.

Found in 70 Collections and/or Records:

Henry C. Balcom collection

 Collection — Box Communal Collections 59: Series Series 6; Series MSA 5, Series 1; Series UA 154, Series 1, Placement: 03
Identifier: MSA 325
Scope and Contents

The Henry C. Balcom collection documents the student life of Henry C. Balcom, mostly as a Purdue University freshman in 1905. The collection includes several photographs and clippings related to the 1905 Tank Scrap and Chain Gang, as well as various campus scenes and buildings. Also included are two newspaper clippings detailing controversies surrounding University President Winthrop Stone's wife Victoria. The collection also contains one later photograph of Balcom from 1946.

Dates: 1905 - 1946; Majority of material found within 1905 - 1909; Other: Date acquired: 07/08/2014

Purdue University Bands and Orchestras records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 160
Scope and Contents The Purdue University Bands and Orchestras records document the history of the department, from its foundation with the Purdue Military Band to its present multi-ensemble composition. The collection consists primarily of audio and visual materials, including photographs, vinyl records, video and audio tapes, film and audio reels, and CDs and DVDs. The subjects of these audiovisual materials include but are not limited to Military Band and Marching Band performances at Purdue football games,...
Dates: circa 1890-2014; Majority of material found within 1940 - 2009

Marion Baumgardner Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 562
Content Description

Personal and professional papers that include family history, photographs, awards, and correspondence from Marion Baumgardner.

Dates: April 13, 1872 -2024; Majority of material found within 1975 - 2016

Bob Benning photograph

 Item — Box Communal Collections 47: Series Box 1; Series MSA 18, Series 5; Series Series 2; Series UA 110, Series 1; Series UA 111, Series 5; Series MSF 508, Series 1; Series MSF 508, Series 2; Series UA 182, Series 3; Series UA 176, Series 1; Series MSA 18, Series 6, Placement: 20
Identifier: MSA 368
Scope and Contents

One matted photograph of Bob Benning, Big Ten Golf Champion of 1954. Measures 14" x 11" (including mat,) with "Bob Benning" handwritten in large, brown ink on mat. Benning's signature is on back of mat in pencil.

Dates: 1954

Arvill W. Bitting Collection on World Expositions and Fairs

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 531
Scope and Contents The Arvill W. Bitting Collection on World Expositions and Fairs includes promotional materials, newspaper articles, publications, photographs, and exhibit planning materials pertaining to World Fairs held in the United States. The majority of the material is on the 1933-1934 Century of Progress International Exposition held in Chicago, where Bitting worked as director of food exhibits.Materials of note include newspaper articles and photographs from the Golden Gate International...
Dates: circa 1876-1948

Berwyn E. Brown photographs

 Collection — Box Communal Collections 56, Placement: 04
Identifier: MSP 230
Scope and Contents

The Berwyn E. Brown photographs document several buildings and physical structures on the Purdue University campus in 1935. The collection also contains materials depicting Brown's and other Purdue students' activities as military recruits. Of particular note are several photos of the Purdue-based Battery B artillery unit. Types of materials include photographs.

Dates: 1935

Sharon Byrkett papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 320
Scope and Contents This collection contains awards, certifications, and honors documenting the life and achievements in social work and disability access and awareness of Sharon Byrkett. Of most prominence is a hand-written manuscript by Byrkett titled "Understanding My Disability" written in 1983. Other materials in the collection include a journal from 1967, photo albums and scrapbooks depicting events from her personal life and conferences attended, and craft items made by Byrkett. Digital files include...
Dates: 1967 - 2010; Majority of material found within 1983 - 2010

The Charles Pankow Foundation Collection on Charles Pankow

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 135
Scope and Contents

The Charles Pankow Foundation collection on Charles Pankow reflects the life of Charles J. Pankow and his contribution to the construction industry. It is a compilation of news articles on Pankow himself, the people associated with Pankow Companies and Pankow Foundation, papers, projects undertaken by Pankow Group of Companies. Information regarding the biography of Charles Pankow, A Better Way to Build, is also included.

Dates: 1950 - 2014; Majority of material found within 1975 - 2012

Ferd Christen scrapbook

 Collection — Box Box 1
Identifier: MSA 326
Scope and Contents The Ferd Christen scrapbook documents Ferd Christen’s student life at Purdue University during the 1920s. The leather-bound scrapbook has a Purdue crest on the cover. Though Christen attended Purdue from 1922-1926, the scrapbook focuses mostly on the years 1924-1926. Christen collected mostly materials related to student events and organizations, especially those for/by Agriculture majors and the university-wide Junior Prom. Types of materials include photographs, booklets, clippings,...
Dates: 1918 - 1926

College of Agriculture, Agricultural Fraternities, Societies, and Associations records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 25
Scope and Contents The College of Agriculture, Agricultural Fraternities, Societies, and Associations records contain material from agricultural organizations associated with Purdue University’s College of Agriculture. A large portion of the collection consists of materials related to the Delta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Other organizations whose material appear in the collection include but are not limited to the Purdue Agricultural Society, the State Poultry Association of Indiana, and the...
Dates: circa 1880s - 2000

Purdue University College of Science records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 61
Scope and Contents The College of Science records (1886-2009) document the history of the College of Science. Much of the collection is made up of items published either by the college itself, by its departments, or by its faculty. These include brochures and catalogs of the college, research reports, and newsletters concerning college activities. There are also materials that originated from specific departments within the College of Science including department newsletters, event programs, directories, and...
Dates: 1873 - 2023

Joni Comstock collection on Janice Voss

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: MSA 309
Scope and Contents

The collection relates to Janice Voss' involvement with her first space flight, STS-57 (in 1993).  Included are three photographs of the mission, an autographed mission t-shirt, and a letter written by Voss to Comstock.  These materials would be useful to researchers interested in the history of NASA flight missions, women in space, women in STEM fields, and space research.

Dates: 1993

Clarence Frank Cornish papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 323
Scope and Contents The Clarence Frank Cornish papers consist of letters, correspondence, photographs, awards and certificates, flight logs, aviator textiles and goggles, newspaper clippings, and artifacts documenting Clarence "Cap" Frank Cornish's air training and service during World War One, his service at Army Air Forces Headquarters during World War Two, his work for the Aeronautics Commission of Indiana, his participation in several aeronautical organizations, and his role in the development aeronautics...
Dates: 1908 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1917 - 1995

Harvey Dart papers

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: MSA 375
Scope and Contents

One scrapbook containing photos of the Purdue campus, people, social events such as parades and sport, and machinery. The scrapbook also contains souvenirs and documents from Dart's trips to places including Niagara Falls and the Field Museum. There are also various documents from his time at Purdue, such as letters, reciepts, sports tickets, and event programs/notices.

Dates: 1915 - 1917

Esther Digh Collection of Purdue photographs

 Collection — Box Communal Collections 48, Placement: 02
Identifier: MSP 235
Scope and Contents

The Esther Digh Collection of Purdue photographs document Purdue University buildings in central campus during the mid-1920s. Photos have notations on the back and depict Fowler Hall, the Mechanical Engineering Building (Old Heavilon Hall), and the "new" library. Types of materials include: photographs.

Dates: circa 1925

John H. Ferguson Collection of Purdue photographs

 Collection — Box Communal Collections 42, Placement: 06
Identifier: MSP 327
Scope and Contents This collection includes 30 photographs of Purdue's campus, taken when John visited Purdue along with other students and faculty from the University of Missouri in the Spring of 1973. Notations on the back of each photograph identify the building or location present.The subjects of the photographs consist primarily of campus buildings, including but not limited to University Hall, Stewart Center, and Agriculture buildings. Also included are aerial photographs of Purdue and West...
Dates: circa February 1973 - April 1973

Clint Fink papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 300
Content Description The Clint Fink papers document Fink's life and career as a peace activist and educator. The papers documenting his career reflect his research while in graduate school and various proposals and presentations from after he received his doctorate. This series is also particularly strong in its coverage of Fink's involvement in and work with peace activism and advocacy. The collection contains records pertaining to the Peace Groups he led and participated in as well as a number of serial...
Dates: 1864 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1995

Gary Fisher papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 84
Scope and Contents

The Gary Fisher papers contains a notebook of Fisher's anecdotes including recollections of his colleague Joyce Martin, patient notes pertaining to LSD psychotherapy treatments for children suffering from mental illness, articles and reports, his doctoral thesis, academic transcripts, his curriculum vitae, correspondence, and photographs.

Dates: 1948 - 2000

Roscoe Fraser papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 548
Scope and Contents

Scrapbooks, letters, slides, films and news reels, photographs, and printed materials primarily relating to agriculture. Includes information on the Purdue Golden Girl, Purdue farm, livestock, the Indiana State Fair, various crops, the Tomato Festival, and experimental fields. Please see PDF Finding Aid for collection inventory.

Dates: 1912 - 1974; Other: Date acquired: 01/01/1978

Lella R. Gaddis papers

 Collection — Box Communal Collections 22, Placement: 07
Identifier: MSF 138
Scope and Contents

This collection includes an article written by Lella Gaddis in 1917 as well as clippings and photographs pertaining to her life, activities, and work.

Dates: 1917 - 2009

Jacqueline Wise Gershman papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 392
Scope and Contents The Jacqueline Wise Gershman papers were created and collected by Gershman and document her time as a student at Purdue University from 1948 until she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1953. Types of materials include dance programs, many from Sigma Eta of Sigma Alpha Mu sorority dances, personal correspondence, photographs, papers, and artifacts related to student life on campus. Also included are reports and class notes from Gershman's invovlement in the science department,...
Dates: 1948 - 2003

Alten F. Grandt, Jr. papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 528
Scope and Contents The papers consist of research files on the history of aerospace engineering (AAE) at Purdue University, photographs, annual reports, annual research reports, curricula, student lists, AAE faculty and staff information, pamphlets, news clippings (some related to Purdue astronaut alumni), and copies of the book, One Small Step: the History of Aerospace Engineering at Purdue, by Grandt, Gustafson, and Carigino. There is also a copy of “Aeronautical Engineering at Purdue University from 1950 to...
Dates: 1902 - 2016

Winthrop A. Gustafson papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 522
Scope and Contents This collection includes photographs of astronauts, mission launch invitations, clippings, mission patches, and writings. Many items relate to or are from Purdue astronaut John Blaha and other Purdue astronauts whom had a connection to Professor Gustafson. Also includes Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics alumni newsletters and other publications. Lastly, there is a matted photograph of Earth presented to Dr. Gustafson in gratitude for his work as Co-Op coordinator for...
Dates: 1984 - 2011

Harrison Hall records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 106
Scope and Contents

The Harrison Hall records contain photographs, slides, and negatives taken during events held at the dormitory. Information regarding the Cavalier Club such as past membership as well as the code and bylaws governing the club can also be found.

Dates: 1978 - 1994

Henry Gerald Venemann papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 551
Content Description

Materials created, written, and collected by Henry Gerald Venemann when he was a Purdue student and faculty in Mechanical Engineering. Also includes materials collected and written about him after his death. Includes book, newspaper clippings, certificates, photographs, letters, and a letter sweater awarded to him in 1947, many years after his athletic achievements.

Dates: 1906 - 2010