Showing Collections: 401 - 425 of 1496
John H. Ehresman papers
This collection contains materials that belonged to John Ehresman, a student who attended the Purdue Preparatory School in 1893-94 and attended Purdue University during the 1894-1896 academic years. Items include class notes, personal essays, commonplace book, engineering drawings and lab notes. This collection will be helpful to researchers interested in Purdue's early mechanical engineering education curriculum and farming practices of the late 1800s.
Robert L. Eichhorn papers
The collection consists of one grant proposal for the development of a handbook for the assessment of needs of elderly Americans for state and area agency planners, composed by Robert L. Eichhorn and Cheryl A. Maurana, director and assistant director of Purdue's Health Services Research and Training Program, respectively. The paper contains valuable information regarding the history of the research and training program.
Frank R. Eldred papers
One folder containing an article by Frank Eldred.
William K. Eldridge papers
Eldridge, W. K. (1914). Comparative Tests of Concrete Columns and Some Deductions Therefrom. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 34th Annual Report. pp. 239-252. [2 copies]
"William Eldridge, First Graduate of Engineers' School at Purdue, Dies," 1928, no publication information available.
Electrical Engineering Building records
The Electrical Engineering Building records contain an article discussing the building as well as invitations to the dedication ceremony of the Thomas Duncan Addition to the building.
Edward C. Elliott papers
Elliott Hall of Music records
The Elliott Hall of Music records contain information about the building dedication in 1940, past performances, brochures, and a safety plan for the building drafted in 1960. The collection also includes five large albums containing photos and autographs of the acts who performed at the Hall of Music between its dedication ceremony in 1940 and 1965; notable figures include Bob Hope, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, and Clement Attlee.
Charles A. Ellis collection of supplementary papers
Materials related to the life and career of Charles A. Ellis and the building of the Golden Gate bridge.
Barbara (Babs) Elsbury papers
Miscellaneous materials related to Barbara Elsbury's time at Purdue as both a student and Assistant Dean including scrapbooks, medals, and documentation of her memorial service.
Emersonian Literary Society records
Howard E. Enders papers
Collection contains three folders with publications by Howard Enders.
Louis E. Endsley papers
Collection contains two folders with publications by Louis Endsley.
Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry records
Materials relating to Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry at Purdue University. Includes materials on the history of the Machine Graphics Department at Purdue. The collection includes various publications, reports, course manuals, work sheets, and other documents. Papers by Lillian Gilbreth, Paul Chenea, and H.H. Remmers are included. Please see PDF Finding Aid for collection inventory.
Purdue University, Environmental Health and Safety records
Contents include one Purdue Radiation Safety Manual and one Purdue Chemical Hygiene Plan and Hazardous Materials Safety Manual, both from 1991, and two Radiological and Environmental Management (REM) contact lists from the 1990s. REM was renamed Environmental Health and Safety in 2023.
W. F. Epple papers
One folder containing articles by W. F. Epple
Eric Kast papers
The Eric Kast papers (1962-1964; 0.50 cubic feet) document the intellectual pursuits of Eric Kast of the Chicago Medical School. Included are manuscipt drafts and correspondence. Subjects include LSD for dying patients and the role of pain in treatment.
A. Cemal Eringen papers
The papers consist of an article written by A. Cemal Eringen.
Fritz Ernst autobiography
This collection consists of Small Town Boy Goes Away To College, an autobiography written by Fritz Ernst: '...just the simple story of the President of the B. Y. P. U. (Baptist Young People Union) of Madison, Indiana, attending Purdue University in his cutaway suit," circa 1896.
John W. Esterline papers
The John Esterline papers include two folders of publications by John Walter Esterline.
James A. Estey papers
The papers consist of eight articles written by James Estey.
Esther Digh Collection of Purdue photographs
The Esther Digh Collection of Purdue photographs document Purdue University buildings in central campus during the mid-1920s. Photos have notations on the back and depict Fowler Hall, the Mechanical Engineering Building (Old Heavilon Hall), and the "new" library. Types of materials include: photographs.
Eta Kappa Nu Beta Chapter records
Etchings of Famous Engineers album
The Etchings of Famous Engineers album, measuring 20 x 24 inches, contains print portraits of notable engineers alongside brief typewritten biographies of each. A typed table of contents lists fifty names in both chronological and alphabetical order, though fifty-nine men appear in the album. It is likely that the initial fifty names were in the album at the time of its donation to Purdue University and the additional entries added later.
Eugene Cernan's Framed Compilation of Flags and Patches, Carried to Moon on Apollo 10
Eurodelphian Literary Society records
Collection includes record books documenting the activities, meetings, and members of the Eurodelphian Literary Society, as well as documents relating to their rituals and the national chapter.