Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae
Found in 450 Collections and/or Records:
Vincent Robinson papers, addition 02
Virginia Cummings Little Theatre Players certificate
The collection consists of two items: one certificate inducting student, Virginia Cummings, into the Little Theatre Players group on May 30, 1927 and a 1929 Purdue Exponent article (photocopy) of a Little Theatre Players production announcement.
W. P. Kippel papers
Russell R. Waesche collection
Four photographs of Admiral Russell Randolph Waesche and three photocopies of U.S. Coast Guard press releases related to three of the photographs: one announcing the "world's largest fireboat fleet" (undated); one announcing Waesche receiving a Distinguished Service Medal (January 15, 1946); and one announcing Waesche's death (October 17, 1946).
Loretta Mae Wallace photo album
The Loretta Mae Wallace photo album was created by Wallace during her time as a Purdue student from 1906 to 1910, with most photos dating to 1908-1909. Photographs include campus scenes, buildings, Lafayette and surrounding areas, Mechanics Burning, a visit to Indiana University, Civil Engineering projects, and other scenes of student life.
A. L. Walters papers
Articles by A. L. Walters.
John Wendling photograph collection
The John Wendling photograph collection contains photographs and postcards from the international and domestic travels of John Wendling. He took pictures of several places in South America as well as the United States.
Kate Wentz collection
Includes a clipping of Wentz's obituary.
C. H. Werkman papers
Articles by C. H. Werkman.
E.C. White papers
The E. C. White papers contain two personal journals chronicling E.C. White's time at Purdue and the year following his graduation. The first volume also includes issues of The Purdue (1882).
Morris T. Whitmore papers
William H. C. Higgins III papers
The William H. C. Higgins III papers include personal letters dated from 1925-1929, a Military Manual, Correct Uniforms for Officers catalogue, personal photographs, an olive green shirt, the 1929 commencement program, instructions for thesis preparation for engineering degrees, and Higgins' thesis for his degree in electrical engineering.
William J. Wuestenfeld papers
Donald E. Williams papers
The Donald E. Williams papers document Williams' two shuttle missions; STS-51-D and STS-34, along with memorabilia from STS-1, the first mission. Also included are various mission patches and decals. The artifacts include his flight helmet, and items used in space; gloves, knife, fork, teaspoon, and can opener.
Types of materials include: artifacts, checklists (mission), clippings, decals, memorabilia, NASA press kit, papers, mission patches, and photographs.
Guy W. Wilson papers
Articles by Guy W. Wilson.
Harvey Wonning collection
Dance cards and programs from Harvey Wonning's time as a Purdue student, 1911-1912.
James M. Wood collection
Expense account book for James Wood from his freshman year at Purdue (September 1909) to his junior year (December 1911).
Kenneth M. Wood Jr. collection
Two campus newspapers and two miscellaneous items from Kenneth M. Wood Jr.'s time as a Purdue student.
Collection on John R. Wooden
Video interview, 2006 and special issue of Journal & Courier, 2010 (front page picture with numerous articles)
World's Fair Purdue Alumni Registers collection
The World's Fair Purdue Alumni Registers collection contains three registers from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Panama Pacific International Exposition, and Century of Progress World's Fair showcases. Alumni that visited the fairs were encouraged to sign the registers. Notable signatures include Eulora Miller, Purdue's first female graduate, in the Panama Pacific register and President Theodore Roosevelt in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition register.
Robert A. Worstall papers
Articles by and about Robert A. Worstall.
John S. Wright papers
The papers of John Wright are comprised of notebooks, financial records (one ledger and additional receipts), publications, and photographs which document John Wright's time as a student at Purdue University, and material from his career as a botanist and drug inspector for Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Charles Zergiebel collection
Dance cards from Tau Chapter of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, programs, certificate of entrance to Purdue, military special orders and miscellaneous items from Charles Zergiebel's time as a student at Purdue University from 1918-1923.