Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae
Found in 449 Collections and/or Records:
A. B. Segur and Company Motion and Time Analysis collection
This collection contains instructional booklets on Motion Time Analysis published by A. B. Segur and Co. It also contains company bulletins, a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, a photo album of factory machinery, and company ephemera.
A. B. Segur papers
Fred F. and Charles W. Shafer collection
Family photograph, 1896, which includes Fred and Charles Shafer, information from 1907 Debris and Purdue Students' Directory, 1907-1908, along with a manuscript (interview) with Fred Fletcher Shafer, 1957
James B. Shaw papers
The James B. Shaw papers include Shaw's work on the science of algorithms as part requirement for the Doctor's Degree and various published articles on mathematics.
Jim Shearer collection
Membership card, Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Purdue University, circa 1904.
Program, Philalethean, Twenty-seventh Annual, Friday, April 28, 1905.
Stanton S. Shirk papers
Contains materials pertaining to the Agriculture class of 1938, including class lists, commencement letters, newspapers, fliers, programs, postcards, alumni materials, and directories.
Douglass Shortridge collection
The Douglass Shortridge collection contains artifacts from Shortridge's student years at Purdue, historical newspapers from the end of World War II, a newspaper obituary of Abram C. Shortridge, and other documents accumulated during Shortridge's career.
E. E. Sickler papers
"Thoughts At The Anvil," by E. E. Sickler.
Ella B. Silance collection
One photograph, with Ella B. Silance's named marked on the back, but a group of unidentified people in the photograph.
John R. Simmons student papers
Vern N. Smiley collection
Gala Week 1921 booklet; Pi Omicron National Sorority - program, 1933-1934; Pi Omicron National Sorority directory, April 1935, and small Alpha Chapter Pi Omicron scrapbook, 5" x 4" with thirty-six photographs in it, 1930-1931.
C. F. Smith collection
The C. F. Smith papers consist of publications issued by the Bournonville Rotary Valve Motor Company of Hoboken, New Jersey, under the guidance of Smith as the company's chief engineer.
Howard E. Smith class ring
Howard E. Smith's gold 1906 class ring is embellished with College of Science and Purdue University insignias.
William M. Snyder collection
Correspondence from William Snyder describing the U.S.S. Lafayette, photograph of the Lafayette's launch, a U.S.S. Enterprise CVN-65 baseball cap, and a Trident tie clip.
Bernard Sobel papers
The Bernard Sobel papers include published articles and typescript research notes on topics related to theater, love, and Sobel's time at Purdue.
Allan C. Soderberg papers
The Allan C. Soderberg papers (1976; 0.4 cubic feet) documents the research and planning Allan C. Soderberg conducted when working for Arthur G. McKee and Company in Warsaw, Poland to build an antibiotics plant. Materials include descriptive material, an equipment list, and project drawings. The descriptive materials include the following information: project scope, process descriptions, utilities and services, cost estimate, and engineering schedule. Each book is bound together.
Harry E. Spring papers
The Harry E. Spring papers collection consists of his thesis and several lab report assignments from when he was an Electrical Engineering student at Purdue University.
Joseph A. Starkey collection
Photographs taken at Purdue University during the 1923-1924 school year. Correspondence from Starkey's son, Mirwood A. Starkey, concerning the death of his mother, Lena Smith Starkey and the donation of the photographs.
R. E. Stephenson papers
Articles and bulletin by R. E. Stephenson.
Stockton family collection
This collection consists of materials relating to Purdue alumni James W. Stockton and Ann Stockton, 1919-1947. Includes one postcard of Theta Xi house at Purdue University, one report card for James W. Stockton, and one newspaper clipping on Ann Stockton's injury in the Purdue bleachers collapse.
Woody Strong collection
Articles about Woody and Penny Strong's mission trips to Nepal.
Lena A. Sutton papers
Publication co-authored by Lena Sutton entitled, "The Efficiency of the Preparation of Ether from Alcohol and Sulfuric Acid." Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. XXXV, no. 6, June, 1913, pp. 794-800.
Clifford and Jo Swanlund papers
Booth Tarkington collection
Excerpts from the book, My Maiden Effort, by Gelett Burgess, which includes some of Booth Tarkington's first writings. Obituaries and stories written upon Tarkington's death.