Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae
Found in 450 Collections and/or Records:
Charles Ducas papers
The papers consist of multiple copies of an article by Charles Ducas.
Jack and Alice Rowen Easley collection
The papers contain correspondence between President Jischke and Alice Rowen Easley, "Aunt Alice says...," a book by Easley and a picture of Easley's son, Mark, with a picture of the framed note from Jischke, which was a Christmas gift to Alice Easley.
F. G. Ebel papers
Ebel, F. G. (1931). Strength Tests of Submarine Rescue Chamber, Report No. 315. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Experimental Model Basin Navy Yard.
Walter L. Eckhouse papers
Eckhouse, Walter L. (1903). Pertinent Purdue Parodies: perpetrated with preposterous premeditation.
Edward Ross papers
Three lecture notebooks from Purdue Mechanical Engineering classes, 1903-1906. Mechanical Drawings (1903) Shop Lectures (1905) Steam Engines and Boilers (1906)
Carl E. Egeler papers
Includes a publication by Egler, and two catalog records for other Egler publications.
William K. Eldridge papers
Eldridge, W. K. (1914). Comparative Tests of Concrete Columns and Some Deductions Therefrom. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 34th Annual Report. pp. 239-252. [2 copies]
"William Eldridge, First Graduate of Engineers' School at Purdue, Dies," 1928, no publication information available.
W. F. Epple papers
One folder containing articles by W. F. Epple
Fritz Ernst autobiography
This collection consists of Small Town Boy Goes Away To College, an autobiography written by Fritz Ernst: '...just the simple story of the President of the B. Y. P. U. (Baptist Young People Union) of Madison, Indiana, attending Purdue University in his cutaway suit," circa 1896.
Eugene Cernan's Framed Compilation of Flags and Patches, Carried to Moon on Apollo 10
Owen F. Evans collection
Tuition Receipt, September 14, 1898
Entrance Fee for year ending June 7, 1899 - $5.00
Incidental Fee, for term ending December 21, 1898 - $5.00
Laboratory and Library Fee, for term ending December 21, 1898 - $6.00
Total, $16.00
Raymond C. Ewry collection
The collection consists of biographical information on Raymond C. Ewry, a Purdue alumnus and Olympic track star.
Percival E. Fansler papers
The papers consist of a publication by Percival E. Fansler.
Carl J. Fechheimer papers
Carleton G. Ferris papers
The papers consist of an article written by Carleton G. Ferris.
John E. Fetzer papers
"Radio and Television Historical References (A Treatise on Personal Experiences)," by John E. Fetzer, circa 1975.
Arthur H. Fisher papers
The Arthur H. Fisher papers contain artifacts, certificates, a diploma, photographs, and miscellaneous items from Arthur Fisher's time spent as a Purdue University student. There are some items that Fisher obtained after his tenure as a student, such as alumni loyalty certificates. This collection would be very valuable to anyone interested in student life at Purdue University during the early 20th century or the Purdue Military Band.
George G. Floyd papers
The papers consist of a publication by George G. Floyd
Fowler Courts Residence Hall records
Tom D. P. Frazer papers
The papers consist of an article by Frazer.
Lytle J. Freehafer memorial service program
Program - Memorial Service for Lytle J. Freehafer, 1987.
David Fuhrman collection of Purdue Grand Prix recordings
The David Fuhrman collection of Purdue Grand Prix recordings document several Purdue Grand Prix races. Recondings include the 1982 (25th anniversary Grand Prix) along with twelve other races.
Clifford C. Furnas papers
The papers consists of one folder which contains articles by Clifford C. Furnas.
Robert J. Gagen engineering tools
Robert J. Gagen engineering tools consist of three sets of engineering drafting/compass tools used by Gagen as a Purdue student. One of the sets has Purdue inscribed on the case.
Stanton K. Galey collection
Purdue Varsity Athletics card, signed by Stanton K. Galey.