Showing Collections: 1401 - 1425 of 1495
Janet Lee Vaughn papers
Thesis of Cleo Fitzsimmons, Some Contributions of Economic Theory to Home Economics, University of Illinois, 1944. Catalog record for Janet Lee Vaughn's thesis, Consumer's Preferences for Goods Related to Stages of the Family Life Cycle, 1967.
Leslie L. and Ruth G. Vaught papers
Papers of Leslie Vaught and Ruth Vaught documenting Purdue student life in the 1920s and 1930s. Types of materials include papers, ephemera, photographs, and artifacts (primarily Purdue memorabilia such as Reamer boards and clothing such as sweaters and hats, also called beanies or pots.) Includes information on the Ross Surveying Camp. Please see PDF Finding Aid for collection inventory.
E. B. Vawter papers
Vawter, E. B. (1892). Some Qualifications of the Engineer. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 1892, pp. 124-128.
C. B. Veal papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article and a report by C. B. Veal.
Tony Vevers papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains a catalog and text designed by Tony Vevers.
Video and Multimedia Production Services photos
Photographs, slides, and negatives documenting the activities of Purdue’s Video and Multimedia Production Services from 1956 to 1977.
Virginia Cummings Little Theatre Players certificate
The collection consists of two items: one certificate inducting student, Virginia Cummings, into the Little Theatre Players group on May 30, 1927 and a 1929 Purdue Exponent article (photocopy) of a Little Theatre Players production announcement.
Albert Viton papers
Richard J. Voorhees papers
The collection covers the writing career of Purdue University English professor Richard Voorhees. Materials include manuscripts, articles, book reviews, reprints, author proofs, and correspondence. Voorhees book, The Paradox of George Orwell, was the first publication by Purdue University Studies later known as Purdue University Press. An article regarding this publication can be found in Purdue Campus Copy March 1961.
W. P. Kippel papers
Russell R. Waesche collection
Four photographs of Admiral Russell Randolph Waesche and three photocopies of U.S. Coast Guard press releases related to three of the photographs: one announcing the "world's largest fireboat fleet" (undated); one announcing Waesche receiving a Distinguished Service Medal (January 15, 1946); and one announcing Waesche's death (October 17, 1946).
A. F. Wagner papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by A. F. Wagner.
Wagner Collection of Space Exploration and Moon Landing First Day Covers
Clarence A. Waldo papers
The collection consists of two folders which contain articles written by Clarence A. Waldo.
Joseph L. Waling papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains a bulletin by J. L. Waling.
Lawrence W. Wallace papers
The collection consists of two folders which contain articles by Lawrence W. Wallace.
Loretta Mae Wallace photo album
The Loretta Mae Wallace photo album was created by Wallace during her time as a Purdue student from 1906 to 1910, with most photos dating to 1908-1909. Photographs include campus scenes, buildings, Lafayette and surrounding areas, Mechanics Burning, a visit to Indiana University, Civil Engineering projects, and other scenes of student life.
Walter Emmerich papers
One folder containing article by Walter Emmerich.
A. L. Walters papers
Articles by A. L. Walters.
Jack E. Walters papers
The collection consists of four folders which contain articles and addresses by Jack E. Walters.
Robert B. Warder papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Robert B. Warder.
Cecil F. Warner papers
Warranty deed signed by John Purdue giving land to the State of Indiana for use by Purdue University
One document, a warranty land deed signed by John Purdue, giving land to the State of Indiana for use by Purdue University, August 1876.
Sarah J. Watlington speech
Program and speech by Sarah "Sally" Watlington about Helen Schleman, for Chronicling Women's History: Selections from the Susan Bulkeley Butler Women's Archives event at Purdue University, 2008.
D. Watson papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by D. Watson.