Showing Collections: 251 - 275 of 1495
Collection of Purdue Train Wreck materials
Collection of Purdue University dance cards
Collection of dance cards for events at Purdue University.
Collection of Purdue University photographs
This is an artificial collection created by Purdue Libraries and Special Collections over the years. This collection will be added to periodically.
Collection of Purdue University postcards
The Collection of Purdue University postcards (1900-2007) documents the changing landscape and buildings of Purdue University over time. Each postcard has been given a unique number and then assigned a subject heading. This is an active collection which will be added to over time.
Collection of Sigma Chi Fraternity Court Case materials
Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings
The Collection of Tycho Brahe engravings (1 flat case file; 1662) contains 15 engravings (all on paper) that were once pages from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major. The engravings illustrate Brahe’s astronomical instruments and observations from his observatories, Uraniborg and Stjerneborg, in Hven, Sweden. Some of the paper contains two different watermarks: an elephant and Christ.
Collection of Virginia Poullard Dupalais Twigg, Lucy Way Sistare Say, and Charles Alexandre Lesueur Works of Art
Collection of Woodrow Wilson papers
The Collection of Woodrow Wilson papers (1905-1956; 0.1 cubic feet) documents the Presidency and historical legacy of Woodrow Wilson. The collection also includes memorial material in the forms of pamphlets highlighting various facets of Wilson’s legacy, such as statesmanship and education. A speech by Franklin Roosevelt to the Woodrow Wilson Foundation is also featured. Types of materials include: black-and-white photographs, political cartoons, and pamphlets.
Collection on Bruce Rogers
Correspondence, printed material, audio-visual materials, artifacts and ephemera collected by Purdue University Libraries during or after the lifetime of Bruce Rogers.
Collection on Durward Kirby
'Didn't you used to be Durward Kirby?' The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, July 30, 1987 (Life/Style section).
Collection on Karl R. Templeton
Information about Karl R. Templeton taken from Purdue Students' Directory, 1909-1910 and Debris, 1910.
Collection on the Purdue University seal
The collection on the Purdue University seal documents the evolution of the seal (griffin brand or logo). Materials include correspondence, articles, printed ephemera, artifacts, and Purdue publications, including publications from World War II such as "Purdue serves because Purdue was prepared: Purdue University in the war" by Thomas R. Johnston and a Purdue Alumnus issue from 1943.
Collection on the Ross Civil Engineering Camp
College of Agriculture, Administration of the College of Agriculture records
The College of Agriculture, Administration of the College of Agriculture, Records (1869-2009; 124.95 cubic feet) consists of administrative books, correspondence, financial records, faculty minutes, reports, and other materials relating to the administration of Purdue University’s School of Agriculture.
College of Agriculture, Agricultural Fraternities, Societies, and Associations records
College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service records
The College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, Records (1890-2010; 27.4 cubic feet) documents the history, administration, and activities of agricultural extension work carried out by Purdue University’s College of Agriculture. The collection includes correspondence (1910s-1950s), financial records (1900s-1930s), letter books (1890s-1900s), reports (1910s-1950s, 1970s), and director, county agent, and Boys’ and Girls’ (4-H) Club materials (1910s-1950s).
College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Agricultural Safety and Health, Breaking New Ground Resource Center, Ag
College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering records
The College of Agriculture, Administration of the College of Agriculture, Records consists of correspondence relating to the history, administration, and work of the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE), a bound book consisted of numerous issues of the "Agricultural and Biological Enginnering Newsletter", and photographs of previous experiments, faculty, students, and Distinguished Industrial Lecture guest speakers.
College of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, records
The College of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Records (1879-2011; 18.1 cubic feet) includes correspondence, field notebooks, photographs, reports, slides, and other materials documenting the work of the department.
College of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences records
The College of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences records (1903-1995; 15.6 cubic feet) documents the history and activities of the School of Agriculture’s Department of Animal Sciences and its predecessors, the Departments of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, and Poultry Husbandry)
College of Agriculture, Department of Botany & Plant Pathology, records
The College of Agriculture, Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Records (1918-1984; 1.4 cubic feet) consists of correspondence (1937-1950), applicant materials (1910s-1930s), two reports for the academic years 1981/82 and 1983/84, and other materials.
College of Agriculture Department of Entomology records
The College of Agriculture Department of Entomology records (1931-1993) consists of correspondence (1940-1949), Experiment Station Reports (1931-1945), and other materials (circa 1930s-1990s) documenting the history, administration, and activities of the entomology program at Purdue University.
College of Agriculture, Department of Food Science, records
The College of Agriculture, Department of Food Science, Records (1977-1984; .2 cubic feet) documents the history and administration of the Department of Food Science. The collection includes a directory, one pamphlet, and two reports.
College of Agriculture, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, records
The College of Agriculture, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, records (Circa 1910s-1998; 2.0 cubic feet) documents the history, administration, and activities of the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, known before 1974 as the Department of Forestry and Conservation, and before 1939 as the Department of Forestry. The collection consists largely of correspondence (1942-1950) and lantern slides (1910s-1940s).