Box Communal Collections 41
Contains 43 Results:
Articles, 1910-1920
Articles and Report, 1911-1915
Articles and Report, 1920-1955
Publications, 1913-1934
Article, 1921
Industrial Research in a Government Laboratory, Woodburn, James G. Reprinted from Indiana University Alumni Quarterly, vol. VIII, no. 2, April, 1921, pp. 182-187.
Article, 1894
Leaf Movement in Cercis Canadensis, Wright, S. G. Reprinted from Botanical Gazette, vol. XIX, 1894, pp. 215-224, plates XIX-XX. [2 copies]
Article, 1923
Urethanes From Chlorine-Substituted Secondary and Teriary Alcohols, Yoder, Lester. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. XLV, no. 2, February, 1923, pp. 475-479. [2 copies]
Poem and Certificate, 1921-1931
"Poem by Student Wins Recognition," (publication information not available) - The article states that "That Silver Haired Mother of Mine," is the title of a poem written by a Purdue student appearing in a booklet containing the best verse written by college poets from the year 1918 until the present time (1921). Certificate of Membership, Purdue Alumni Association [life membership issued June 10, 1931]
Article, 1941
Plastid Pigments With Special Reference to Their Physical and Photochemical Properties and to Analytical Methods, Zscheile, F. P. Reprinted from Botanical Review, vol. 7, no. 11, November, 1941, pp. 587-648.
Chalmers J. Zufall papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by C. J. Zufall.
George S. Wykoff papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by George S. Wykoff.
Archer E. Young papers
The collection consists of two folders which contains articles by Archer E. Young.
Gilbert A. Young papers
The collection consists of four folders which contain publications written by Gilbert A. Young.
Charles M. Wetherill article
Lincoln Praised Indianian, First Chemist For U.S. Department of Agriculture, by R. Norris Shreve, Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, Indianapolis Star, March 6, 1932, no page number available.
Alfred T. Wiancko papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by A. T. Wiancko.
Ralph B. Wiley papers
The collection consists of two folders which contain articles and reports by R. B. Wiley.
Thomas R. C. Wilson papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains publications by T. R. C. Wilson.
James G. Woodburn papers
Collection consists of one folder which contains an article by James G. Woodburn.
Stephen G. Wright papers
The collection consists of one folder with an article by S. G. Wright.
Lester Yoder papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article, "Urethanes From Chlorine-Substituted Secondary and Teriary Alcohols," by Lester Yoder.
George Zebrowski papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains a poem written by George Zebrowski as a student and a certificate of membership for the Purdue Alumni Association.
Frederick P. Zscheile papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by F. P. Zscheile.
Purdue Wives Club records
The Purdue Wives Club records contain a cookbook with several recipes compiled by members and shared amongst the group.
AAUP Purdue Chapter records
The AAUP Purdue Chapter records contain two newsletters published for the Purdue chapter of the American Association of University Professors. They contain minimum salary information for professors as well as articles published about certain issues pertaining to working at a university.
Article, 1916
A Criticism of the Pharmacopoeial Descriptions of Vegetable Drugs, Zufall, C. J. Reprinted from The Lilly Scientific Bulletin, Series 1, no. 7, 1916, pp. 265-276.