Box Communal Collections 65
Contains 36 Results:
Occupy Purdue Movement records
The collection documents materials associated with the Occupy Purdue protest movement which centered heavily around topics such as white supremacy and women's and minority empowerment. The collection may be useful for researchers interested in student protests in the twenty-first century.
Christina Faulkner collection of Purdue women materials
The collection consists primarily of papers sent to or collected by Ruth Bender including letters from and clippings relating to Helen Schleman, Dorothy Stratton, and Beverly Stone. In addition, there are typed poems written by Goldeen Papenguth.
Arthur Avery papers
The collection consists of black-and-white photos and photo proof sheets of Dr. Avery with kitchen equipment as well as a biographical essay about his tenure at Purdue and in the food industry.
Robert L. Eichhorn papers
The collection consists of one grant proposal for the development of a handbook for the assessment of needs of elderly Americans for state and area agency planners, composed by Robert L. Eichhorn and Cheryl A. Maurana, director and assistant director of Purdue's Health Services Research and Training Program, respectively. The paper contains valuable information regarding the history of the research and training program.
Maggie Konich Collection of Purdue Engineering publications
The collection consists of four engineering-related brochures and one pamphlet of Academic Officers. The brochures provide a historical overview of engineering education at Purdue University.
Kathy Evans collection of Purdue publications
The collection consists of two pamphlets: "Guide to Purdue University Libraries" and "Residence Halls - Purdue University."
Virginia Nilles collection of Home Economics papers
The collection consists of a collection of recipes produced by the School of Home Economics in 1932. The recipes are compiled under various categories, e.g., "Recipes for Inexpensive Dishes" and "Menus for St. Valentine's Day."
Tom Allen Comedy of the Dead script
The collection consists of the script is for "The Comedy of the Dead" (La Comedia de los Muertos), written by José Cid Pérez and transcribed into English by John P. Dyson. There is an inscription inside the front cover from Perez to Professor Robert Lowe.
Collection of Agricultural Extension leaflets
The collection consists of three leaflets published by the Agricultural Extension Service in 1951. The leaflets are entitled: "Magic in Milk," "Home Business Methods" and "Good Sewing Methods."
1998 Alamo Bowl collection
The collection consists of photographs, correspondence, tickets, brochures and ephemera relating to the 1998 Alamo Bowl.
Purdue Engineering Report Card collection
The collection consists of one 1939 freshman year report card in Engineering. The report card was issued to Vern C. Vanderbilt, native of Indianapolis, who graduated from Purdue with a Bacelor in Mechanical Engineering in 1942.
Purdue Honorary Doctorates records
The records are a compilation of all individuals that received honorary doctorates from Purdue between 1888 and 2013. The list contains the date and discipline the degrees which were awarded. Famous honorary doctorates include Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, Mitch Daniels, A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., and Darlene Clark Hine.
College of Science Awards Programs records
The collection consists of various Awards programs from 2010. The programs include the faculty and staff awards program, student honors, and distinguished science alumni. Types of materials include: brochures, flyers, DVD.
1909 Gala Week booklet
The collection consists of one green leather-bound Gala Week booklet from 1909.
Lambda Chi Alpha photograph
The collection consists of two copies of a black and white photograph of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity - Psi Zeta Chapter. According to the inscription on the back of the photograph, one of the photographs might have belonged to Albert R. Sweeny, who is also identified in the front row to the extreme left. Inscription also reveals that photograph was taken in March 1908, thus when the group was still the Aeolian Club. An additional note identifies six other members.
Doug Sturgeon 1911 Purdue Handbook
The collection consists of one Purdue University student handbook from 1911. It contains information on university clubs and organization, classes and customs, businesses and churches in the Lafayette area, college songs and yells, and athletics.
Demands, speaker lists, meeting minutes, 2017
The collection documents materials associated with the Occupy Purdue protest movement which centered heavily around topics such as white supremacy and women's and minority empowerment. The collection may be useful for researchers interested in student protests in the twenty-first century.
Brochures and artifacts, 2017
Artifacts include buttons and a bracelet.
Literary works presented and discussed during occupation, 2017
The collection documents materials associated with the Occupy Purdue protest movement which centered heavily around topics such as white supremacy and women's and minority empowerment. The collection may be useful for researchers interested in student protests in the twenty-first century.
Flyers and posters, 2017
The collection documents materials associated with the Occupy Purdue protest movement which centered heavily around topics such as white supremacy and women's and minority empowerment. The collection may be useful for researchers interested in student protests in the twenty-first century.
Beverley Stone, undated
Thank you letters and postcards between Beverly Stone and Ruth Bender.
Dorothy Stratton, 1988
File includes a 46th Anniversary of SPARS Reunion booklet and clippings about Dorothy Stratton.
Helen Schleman, 1984 - 1992
File contains letters and postcards from Helen Schleman to Ruth Bender as well as materials about Schleman such as clippings, an obituary, and Schleman Hall dedication program.
Goldeen Papenguth, undated
File includes a collection of poetry by Goldeen Papenguth
Engineering Education at Purdue University, 1960
The collection consists of four engineering-related brochures and one pamphlet of Academic Officers. The brochures provide a historical overview of engineering education at Purdue University.