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Showing Collections: 1 - 9 of 9

Neil A. Armstrong papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5
Scope and Contents The Neil A. Armstrong papers document the military, aeronautics, astronautics, teaching and corporate business career of Neil A. Armstrong. The papers also feature items from Armstrong's youth and education. The collection includes but is not limited to documents, coursework, working papers, subject files, correspondence, writings, speeches, recordings, photographs and newspaper clippings. The papers are divided into eighteen series, and further information on the scope and content of the...
Dates: 1671 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1960 - 2012

James Blakesley Collection on the Class of 1950

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 28
Scope and Contents

The James Blakesley Collection on the Class of 1950 contains memorabilia from the Class of 1950's days at Purdue. Types of material include dance cards, newspaper clippings, event programs and playbills, along with photographs, record albums, and artifacts.

Dates: 1946 - 2007; Majority of material found within 1946 - 1950

Channing Blickenstaff papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSF 5

This collection contains twelve compact disks of music scores, memorabilia, and other documents and performances by Channing Blickenstaff, Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Purdue University.

Dates: 1990 - 2008

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 7
Scope and Contents The Gilbreth Papers documents the professional and personal lives of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The collection consists of personal papers, letters, correspondence, photographs, and other memorabilia that Lillian Gilbreth collected during her life regarding her youth, marriage, family, and career. Types of materials in the collection include: personal correspondence between Frank and Lillian Gilbreth regarding their courtship, marriage, family, and work; correspondence between the Gilbreths...
Dates: 1869 - 2000; Majority of material found within 1949 - 1968; Other: Date acquired: 11/30/1971

Frederick L. Hovde papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 51
Scope and Contents The Frederick L. Hovde Papers (1908-1983; 63.5 Cubic ft.) document the life and career of engineer and educator Frederick Hovde. The vast majority of the papers document Hovde's business career, particularly his tenure as President of Purdue University (1946-1971), but also his work for the U.S. government and other agencies on nuclear and atomic energy, weapons research, national defense, and rocket ordnance research. A group of personal papers is included, documenting Hovde's academic...
Dates: 1908 - 1983; Majority of material found within 1946 - 1971; Other: Date acquired: 11/30/1982

Purdue University Office of Publications Oral History Program collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSO 2
Scope and Contents

The Purdue Office of Publications Oral History Program collection documents Purdue University history through oral history interviews with Purdue University professors and administrators. Types of materials include: printed material, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, compact discs, and digital materials. Interview topics include Purdue history and changes in administration and academic departments.

Dates: 1969 - 1989; Majority of material found within 1970 - 1972

Purdue University Musical Organizations records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 40
Scope and Contents This collection documents Purdue University's musical organizations including the Choral Society, Glee Club, Symphony Orchestra, and University bands. Materials include song books, scrapbook, programs, sheet music, and record albums. Includes information on well-known Purdue songs, such as "Hail Purdue," as well as lesser-known Purdue songs performed at convocations, football games against Indiana University, and related events. Some late 19th century song books not specific to Purdue but...
Dates: 1876 - 2019; Majority of material found within 1900 - 1960s

Collection of Purdue University Related audio recordings

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 265
Scope and Contents

The Collection of Purdue University Related Audio Recordings include audio reel and audio cassette recordings of addresses given by Purdue University professors, administrators, and staff members. Types of materials include: printed material, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, and digital materials.

Dates: May 7, 1953 - May 12, 1994; Majority of material found within 1971 - 1973

Gordon Yoder collection of Space Exploration memorabilia

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 292
Scope and Contents The Gordon Yoder collection of Space Exploration memorabilia primarily contains items related to Apollo 11, with additional items related to NASA. Types of items include books and serials, commemorative plates, glassware, liquor bottles, space toys, posters, one of which is related to STS-1, along with other commercially produced commemorative objects produced to celebrate human spaceflight. Of note are issues of The Eagle, the newsletter of the Apollo 11 Collectors Society, magazines and...
Dates: 1964 - 2005

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  • Subject: sound recordings X

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Artifacts (Object genre) 4
Clippings (Information artifacts) 3
Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae 3
Scrapbooks 3
Astronauts 2
∨ more
Audiocassettes 2
Beanies 2
Black-and-white photographs 2
Books 2
Color photographs 2
Correspondence 2
Digital audio formats 2
Memorabilia 2
Negatives (photographs) 2
Photographic prints 2
Programs (documents) 2
Transcripts 2
"First Flights" documentary 1
Aeronautics -- Periodicals 1
Aerospace engineering 1
Aerospace engineering -- Handbooks 1
Aerospace engineering -- Periodicals 1
Aerospace engineering -- Textbooks 1
Air pilots 1
Air pilots, Military 1
Aircraft 1
Annual reports 1
Astronautical charts 1
Astronautics 1
Astronautics--Periodicals. 1
Astronautics--Research 1
Astronautics--United States--History 1
Astronauts--1960-1970 1
Astronauts--Training of--United States 1
Audiotapes 1
Awards 1
Black-and-white slides 1
Blueprints (reprographic copies) 1
Business records 1
Businessman 1
CD-Rs 1
Class reunions 1
Collectors and collecting 1
College presidents 1
Color slides 1
Commemorative glassware 1
Concerts 1
Contracts 1
Coursework 1
DVDs 1
Dance cards 1
Decorative plates 1
Diagrams 1
Diagrams (Mission Module) 1
Diplomas 1
Disabled veterans 1
Electronic mail 1
Factory management 1
Fan mail 1
Films 1
Flow charts 1
Football 1
Handbooks 1
Historical documents 1
Home economics 1
Industrial engineering 1
Industrial management 1
Journals (Periodicals) 1
Kitchens 1
Korean War, 1950-1953 1
Letters (Correspondence) 1
Lunar landing sites 1
Lunar module 1
Lunar photography 1
Lunar roving vehicles 1
Magnetic tapes 1
Manuals (instructional materials) 1
Manuscripts (Documents) 1
Maps 1
Military service--1940-1950 1
Moon rocks 1
Moon--Surface 1
Motion study 1
Music -- Performance 1
NASA publications 1
NASA space programs 1
NASA--Deputy Administrator of Aeronautics 1
National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Space Shuttle insignia 1
Naval aviators 1
Newspapers 1
Notebooks 1
Open reel audiotapes 1
Optical disks 1
Oral histories (document genres) 1
Outer space--Exploration 1
Pamphlets 1
People with disabilities 1
Personal papers 1
Phonograph record 1
+ ∧ less
Korean 1
Russian 1
Purdue University 5
Hovde, Frederick L., 1908-1983 4
Potter, A. A. (Andrey Abraham), 1882-1979 4
Apollo 11 (Spacecraft) 2
Elliott, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1874-1960 2
∨ more
General Electric Company 2
Gilbreth, Lillian Moller, 1878-1972 2
Haas, Felix, 1921- 2
Hawkins, George A. (George Andrew), 1907-1978 2
Hicks, John W. (John William), 1921- 2
Purdue University--Presidents 2
Solberg, Harry L. (Harry Leland), 1898- 2
Stewart, Robert Bruce 2
Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco 1
Andrews, Frederick Newcomb, 1914-1998 1
Andrews, Theodora 1
Apollo 17 (Spacecraft) 1
Armstrong, Neil, 1930-2012 1
Armstrong, Stephen Koenig, 1907-1990 1
Armstrong, Viola L., 1907-1990 1
Berkshire, William Thomas, 1882-1973 1
Blakesley, James Flinn, 1924-2016 1
Blickenstaff, Channing Blount, 1934- 1
Bottum, J. Carroll (Joe Carroll), 1905-1995 1
Boy Scouts 1
Brenes, Edin E. 1
Brown, Herbert C. (Herbert Charles), 1912-2004 1
Buchanan, DeWitt Wheeler, 1876-1977 1
Butz, Earl L. (Earl Lauer), 1909-2008 1
Commercial Club of Cincinnati 1
Commonwealth Club of Cincinnati 1
Cordell, Richard A. (Richard Albert), 1896-1986 1
Day, John S. 1
Debris Yearbook 1
Eckles, Robert B. 1
Edward C. Elliott Hall Of Music (West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
Edwards Air Force Base (Calif.) 1
Ewing, Dressel D. (Dressel Dewitt), 1883- 1
Fan, H. Y. 1
Fontaine, William E. 1
Franklin, John Hope, 1915-2009 1
Freehafer, Lytle J., 1910-1987 1
Freehafer, Ruth W. 1
Freeman, Verne 1
Gabbard, Edward 1
Gantt, Henry Laurence, 1861-1919 1
Gemini 8 (Spacecraft) 1
Gilbreth, Frank B. (Frank Bunker), 1868-1924 1
Gilbreth, Frank B. (Frank Bunker), 1911-2001 1
Gilbreth, Inc. 1
Goetsch, Gerald D., 1923- 1
Haelterman, E. O. 1
Hansen, Arthur G. 1
Jenkins, Glenn L. (Glenn Llewellyn), 1898-1979 1
Karling, John S. (John Sidney), 1898- 1
Kerker, Ann E. 1
Knapp, Willard Alfred, 1885-1964 1
Knoy, Maurice George, 1912-1991 1
Koffler, Henry 1
Kohls, Richard L. (Richard Louis), 1921- 1
Law, Gordon T., Jr., 1945- 1
Lawshe, C. H. (Charles Hubert), 1908-2000 1
LeBold, William Kerns, 1923- 1
Mackey, Guy J., 1905-1971 1
Mallett, Donald R., 1910-1971 1
McBee, Earl T. 1
McNelly, George W., 1926-2019 1
Mellon, M. G. (Melvin Guy), 1893-1993 1
Moriarty, John Helenbeck, 1903-1971 1
Morse, Erskine V. 1
NASA Advisory Council 1
National Commission on Space (U.S.) 1
National Football Hall of Fame (U.S.) 1
New England Butt Company 1
Ogle, Marbury Bladen, 1910- 1
Parkhurst, Nelson Mitchell, 1914-2011 1
Perkins, James S. 1
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 1
President's Advisory Council on the Peace Corps 1
Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (U.S.) 1
Project Apollo (U.S.) 1
Project Gemini (U.S.) 1
Project Mercury (U.S.) 1
Purcell, Edward M. 1
Purdue Aeronautics Corporation 1
Purdue Airlines 1
Purdue Alumni Association 1
Purdue Choral Society 1
Purdue Musical Organizations 1
Purdue University Retirees Association 1
Purdue University--Students 1
Purdue University. Band 1
Purdue University. Board of Trustees 1
Purdue University. Class of 1950 1
Purdue University. Faculty 1
Purdue University. Golden Girl 1
Purdue University. Office of Publications 1
Purdue University. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1
Purdue University. Varsity Glee Club 1
Roberts, Marcus Dale, 1904-1977 1
+ ∧ less