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Showing Collections: 1 - 16 of 16

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Library of Management Research and Professional papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 8
Scope and Contents The Gilbreth Library of Management documents the pioneering research of Frank Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth in the fields of time and motion study. Commonly referred to as the N-file, the collection covers the Gilbreths quest to find The One Best Way in job performance, worker satisfaction, efficient office management, and home economics.Types of material in the N-file include photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, notes, blueprints, newspaper clippings, reports, and research...
Dates: 1845 - 1959; Majority of material found within 1906 - 1924

George Greer papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 66
Scope and Contents

The George Greer papers documents his research on MDMA. The collection contains a questionnaire, article, notes, graphs, and several case reports on his research subjects. The case studies are transcriptions from handwritten notes on the 29 subjects who are mentioned in Greer’s published papers. According to Greer, there are approximately 50 handwritten reports on other subjects still in his possession, which may be donated in the future.

Dates: 1980-1986

Stanislav Grof papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 1
Scope and Contents

Papers and related materials documenting the life and career and of psychiatrist and author Dr. Stanislav Grof (Stan Grof). The papers consist primarily of published research articles and clippings discussing the therapeutic effects of psychoactive substances, as well as some first-hand accounts of transcendental experiences.

Dates: 1931 - 2014; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1980

Harvard Psilocybin Project records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 98

The Harvard Psilocybin Project memos, reports and meeting minutes (1 folder; circa 1961-1962) documents the therapeutic use of psilocybin on inmates at the Concord Prison with Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert, George Litwin, James Ciarlo, Mike Kahn, Gunther Weil, and Timothy Leary.

Dates: circa 1961-1962; Other: Majority of material found in 1961-1962; Other: Date acquired: 09/10/2012

Milan Hausner booklet

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 76
Scope and Contents

The Milan Hausner collection contains a photocopy of his self-published booklet on LSD therapy in Czechoslovakia entitled "Psyche In Statu Nascendi, LSD Behind the Iron Curtain, Czechoslovakia, 1954-1974".

Dates: 1992

Abram Hoffer correspondence

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 88
Scope and Contents

The Abram Hoffer correspondence contains a typed letter from Abram Hoffer to Ralph Metzner concerning the use of Hoffer's Berkeley LSD paper by Metzner.  It also includes Hoffer's opinion of the Liangs and Berkes' ideas on schizophrenia.

Dates: January 9, 1967

James C. Naylor papers

 Collection — Box: Communal Collections 46, Placement: 02
Identifier: MSF 444
Scope and Contents

Psychology at Purdue, by James C. Naylor, Head, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, April, 1971.

Dates: 1971

Jean Millay papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 63
Scope and Contents

The Jean Millay papers (1964-2001; 0.2 cubic feet) contains a DVD of the 2001 film The Psychedelic Experience by Millay and Allen Willis and an article by Millay. The collection also documents Millay's friendship with Timothy Leary and contains photocopies of pictures, correspondence, and an article on Leary.

Dates: 1964-2001; Other: Majority of material found in 1964-1980; Other: Date acquired: 03/12/2009

Ernest McCormick papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 508
Scope and Contents The Ernest J. McCormick papers document the life and career of Professor Emeritus and President of PAQ Services Ernest J. McCormick. The majority of the papers date from 1945 to the late 1980s. The McCormick papers document McCormick’s private life and professional career, particularly his professional activities during his tenure at Purdue University. Some personal papers are included, which document McCormick’s academic background, books from his personal library as a child, and materials...
Dates: 1870 - 1994; Majority of material found within 1945 - 1988

William Richards collection on Walter Pahnke

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 68
Scope and Contents

The William Richards Collection on Walter Pahnke (1952-1972; 0.2 cubic feet) contains materials collected and donated by William Richards that document the life and work of his close colleague, Walter Pahnke. It includes some of Pahnke's important academic writings, copies of personal manuscripts, some biographical information, writings by his wife (Eva Sontum Pahnke), and materials memorializing his untimely passing.

Dates: 1950 - 2009; Majority of material found within 1964 - 1971

Psychoactive Recordings collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 332
Scope and Contents

Various electronic media related to psychoactive research. Includes conference recordings, television programs, talks and lectures, films, and interviews related to Stanislav Grof, Terence McKenna, Ralph Metzner, and other topics/individuals associated within the psychoactive field.

Dates: 1988 - 2014

Psychoactive Substances Research Collection scholarly articles

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 60
Scope and Contents

This collection contains photocopies and reprints of published scholarly articles by those involved in psychoactive substances research.

Dates: 1956-2010

William Richards papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 67
Scope and Contents The William Richards papers is a collection of articles and article reprints written by William Richards and other colleagues including Stanislav Grof and Walter Pahnke. The articles discuss the use of LSD, DPT, psilocybin, and other psychedelics for treating terminal cancer patients and alcoholism, as well as for the study of religious and spiritual experiences. A collection of writings and clippings related to Timothy Leary and his research at Harvard University are also included. There is...
Dates: 1962 - 2014

Thomas B. Roberts papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 71
Scope and Contents

The Thomas B. Roberts papers documents his research in psychoactive substances through articles, clippings, correspondence, conference materials, and a course syllabus.

Dates: 1967-2006

David Solomon papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 92
Scope and Contents

The David Solomon papers contains Solomon's typescript for "Psychedelic Satire," a letter to Timothy Leary, other correspondence, a photocopy of Don Allen's talk on LSD, a poem, notes and correspondence pertaining to "Flight to Reality," Duncan Blewett's proposal for an "Institute for Studies in Normal Psychology, survey of a psychedelic questionnaire, description of a mescaline trip, materials pertaining to Solomon's friend, Robert Burdette.

Dates: April 23, 1963 - August 31, 1965

Sanford Unger papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 69
Scope and Contents

The Sanford Unger papers (1961-1974; 0.2 cubic feet) contains writings exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances. The collection also contains the correspondence between Aldous and Laura Huxley and Sanford Unger, and an excerpt from the 1966 CBS Reports feature, “LSD The Spring Grove Experiment.”

Dates: 1961 - 1974

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Psychology 11
Articles 7
Correspondence 6
Manuscripts (Documents) 5
Psychedelic psychiatry 5
∨ more
Hallucinogenic drugs 4
Hallucinogenic drugs and religious experience 4
LSD (Drug) 4
Psychedelic medicine 4
Clippings (Information artifacts) 3
Hallucinogenic drugs -- Therapeutic use 3
Hallucinogenic drugs -- Therapeutic use -- History 3
LSD (Drug) -- Therapeutic use 3
LSD (Drug) -- Therapeutic use -- History 3
Mysticism -- Psychology 3
Reports 3
Reprints 3
Altered states of consciousness 2
Ecstasy (Drug) 2
Human engineering 2
Mescaline 2
Pamphlets 2
Psychedelics -- Therapeutic use 2
Psychotherapy 2
Résumés (personnel records) 2
Ability -- Testing 1
Alcoholism -- Treatment 1
Altered states of consciousness in literature 1
Armed Forces 1
Art therapy 1
Audiocassettes 1
Automobiles--Design and construction 1
Baseball 1
Black-and-white photographs 1
Blueprints (reprographic copies) 1
Born digital 1
Brain stimulation 1
Bricklaying 1
Bulletins 1
DVDs 1
Death--Psychological aspects 1
Dentistry 1
Disabled veterans 1
Doctoral dissertations 1
Documentary film 1
Dreams -- Personal narratives 1
Education 1
Engineering 1
Epilepsy 1
Factory management 1
Field notes 1
Flow charts 1
Hallucinogens -- Therapeutic use 1
Holotropic Breathwork (Trademark) 1
Home economics 1
Industrial arts--Vocational guidance 1
Industrial engineering 1
Industrial management 1
Inventory control 1
Job analysis 1
Journals (Periodicals) 1
Kitchens 1
Letters (Correspondence) 1
Manufacturing 1
Marijuana 1
Memorandums 1
Memorial service programs 1
Military education 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
Motion study 1
Mycology 1
Neuropsychopharmacology 1
Newsletters 1
Obituaries 1
Open reel audiotapes 1
Parapsychology 1
People with disabilities 1
Personal narratives 1
Photographic prints 1
Photographs 1
Photography 1
Poetry 1
Prison psychology 1
Programs (documents) 1
Psilocybin 1
Psilocybin -- Therapeutic use 1
Psilocybin -- Therapeutic use -- History 1
Psilocybin--Psychological aspects 1
Psychedelic psychotherapy 1
Psychology, Industrial 1
Psychotherapy patients 1
Psychotropic drugs 1
Questionnaires 1
Records (Documents) 1
Scrapbooks 1
Soap Manufacturing 1
Standardization 1
Time management 1
Transpersonal psychology 1
Typewriting 1
+ ∧ less
German 2
Czech 1
Danish 1
French 1
Galician 1