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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15

Neil A. Armstrong papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5
Scope and Contents The Neil A. Armstrong papers document the military, aeronautics, astronautics, teaching and corporate business career of Neil A. Armstrong. The papers also feature items from Armstrong's youth and education. The collection includes but is not limited to documents, coursework, working papers, subject files, correspondence, writings, speeches, recordings, photographs and newspaper clippings. The papers are divided into eighteen series, and further information on the scope and content of the...
Dates: 1671 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1960 - 2012

Purdue University Department of Aviation Technology records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 12
Scope and Contents The Purdue University Department of Aviation Technology records document the historical background of the department, the Purdue University Airport, and key moments in the history of aviation in Tippecanoe County. Scrapbooks compiled by the department provide a rich collection of photographs and news clippings which highlight key historical moments, individuals, additions of labs and simulators, and aircraft at the Purdue University Airport. Publications among the...
Dates: 1928 - 2010; Other: Majority of material found within 1970 - 1999

Mark N. Brown papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 302
Scope and Contents The Mark N. Brown papers include papers and memorabilia of retired astronaut and Purdue Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering alumnus, Mark N. Brown. Included are Brown's textbooks from his studies at Purdue, Air Force ROTC certificate, Apollo program photographs that were pinned to Brown's Purdue dorm room wall while he was a student in the early 1970s, a Purdue paper airplane contest trophy, along with other Purdue memorabilia.  The collection also includes NASA...
Dates: 1963 - 1991

Mark Brown United States Space Shuttle Patches collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSA 274
Scope and Contents

The Mark Brown United States Space Shuttle Patches collection consists of two Space Shuttle patches with certificates of authenticity, signed by Purdue alum and Mission Specialist, Colonel Mark N. Brown. The patches include: Thirtieth Flight of the Space Shuttle (STS-28), Columbia, August 8 - 13, 1989 and Forty-third Flight of the Space Shuttle (STS-48), Discovery, September 12 - 18, 1991.  Also included is a copy of a letter from the donor, Curtis Haley to Ms. Flanary.

Dates: 1989 - 2009

Charles F. Bolden Jr. lecture

 Collection — Box: Communal Collections 62, Placement: 10
Identifier: MSP 177
Scope and Contents

The Charles F. Bolden, Jr. lecture (2010, 0.1 cubic feet) documents a lecture given by Charles F. Bolden, then 12th admnistrator of NASA. The lecture was given as part of the William E. Boeing Distinguished Lecture series on September 7, 2010 in Fowler Hall and was open to the general public. The collection contains one DVD.

Dates: 2010; Other: Date acquired: 04/09/2012

Lana Murphy Couch papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 312
Scope and Contents

The Lana Murphy Couch papers document Couch's forty year career with NASA, first as a wind tunnel test engineer, and later in management positions. Types of materials include: correspondence, newsletters, papers, photographs, programs, publications, research and work reports, technical reports, VHS tapes, writings, and material related to award recognition.

Dates: 1953 - 1997; Majority of material found within 1970 - 1995

Harold M. DeGroff, Jr. papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSF 477
Scope and Contents The Harold M. DeGroff, Jr. papers document aspects of the career of longtime Purdue University faculty member and former Dean of Purdue's School of Aeronautics and Astronautics from 1955-1963, during the height of the "space race." Some of the featured items in the collection are a letter of recommendation for assignment to the Naval V-12 College of Training Program and a notice of separation from the United States Naval Service. Items pertaining to DeGroff's Purdue career...
Dates: 1943 - 2010; Other: Majority of material found within 1951 - 1968

Alten F. Grandt, Jr. papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 528
Scope and Contents The papers consist of research files on the history of aerospace engineering (AAE) at Purdue University, photographs, annual reports, annual research reports, curricula, student lists, AAE faculty and staff information, pamphlets, news clippings (some related to Purdue astronaut alumni), and copies of the book, One Small Step: the History of Aerospace Engineering at Purdue, by Grandt, Gustafson, and Carigino. There is also a copy of “Aeronautical Engineering at Purdue University from 1950 to...
Dates: 1902 - 2016

Winthrop A. Gustafson papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 522
Scope and Contents This collection includes photographs of astronauts, mission launch invitations, clippings, mission patches, and writings. Many items relate to or are from Purdue astronaut John Blaha and other Purdue astronauts whom had a connection to Professor Gustafson. Also includes Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics alumni newsletters and other publications. Lastly, there is a matted photograph of Earth presented to Dr. Gustafson in gratitude for his work as Co-Op coordinator for...
Dates: 1984 - 2011

George M. Palmer papers

 Collection — Box: Box 1
Identifier: MSF 482

Student course assignment results for AE 420, titled "Extrapolation 59," completed by K.E. Beyer, R. B. Chaffee, W. B. Fouts, and W. D. Harvey, May 23, 1957.

Dates: 1957

Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics brochure

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: UA 46
Scope and Contents

The Purdue University School of Aeronautics brochure (circa 1950s; 1 item) includes photographs of the Purdue Airport and laboratories, Aeronautical Engineering and Air Transportation curricula, outlines and descriptions.

Dates: circa 1950s; Other: Date acquired: 11/09/2012

John R. Simmons student papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSA 313
Scope and Contents The John R. Simmons student papers document some of the coursework Simmons completed while an Aeronautical Engineering student at Purdue from 1950-1954. Included are "AE-90 Class Div. A" assignments/tests, and various English essays. Also included among the papers is a report titled, "Aircraft Powerplant Testing," by the instructional staff of the Powerplant Division of the School of Aeronautics, Purdue University, September 1951, and several type-written sheets of Civil Air regulations....
Dates: 1943 - 1951

Paul E. Stanley papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 50
Scope and Contents The Paul E. Stanley papers document the earliest years of the School of Aeronautics and the planning that went into creating the school. Other material among the papers pertain to the early years of the Purdue Airport and Division of Engineering Sciences. Neil Armstrong was a student of Stanley's, and there are clippings, front pages of newspapers, reports, an invitation sent by Armstrong to Stanley for his homecoming celebrating in Wapakoneta, Ohio, along with other pre and post-Apollo 11...
Dates: 1909 - 1972; Majority of material found within 1947 - 1969

Totsye Harper Winslow collection on the Curtiss-Wright Cadettes

 Collection — Box: Box 1
Identifier: MSA 195
Scope and Contents The Totsye Harper Winslow papers on the Curtis-Wright Cadettes (1943-1997; 0.25 cubic feet) documents role and history of the Curtis-Wright Cadettes at Purdue and in the Curtis-Wright Corporation during World War II.  Photographs, newsletter, and clippings document their time at Purdue as well as the Engineering Cadette Program.  Programs, newsletters, and papers document local and national reunions of the cadettes, as well as their history.  Also included is information on the individual...
Dates: 1943 - 1995; Other: Date acquired: 11/04/2008

Maurice J. Zucrow papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 428
Scope and Contents The Maurice J. Zucrow papers document aspects of Zucrow's career in the areas of gas turbines and rocket propulsion. Included among the papers are his authored or co-authored reports, papers, books, and Purdue University Engineering Experiment Station bulletins. Many of the books include his annotations or copies Zucrow designated as "master copy," with extensive marginalia. Also included are some of the textbooks Zucrow used as a student, and other reference books he used in his career....
Dates: 1925 - 1965; Other: Majority of material found within circa 1940s - 1969

Filtered By

  • Names: Purdue University. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics X

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Professor 7
Aerospace engineering 6
Color photographs 6
Clippings (Information artifacts) 5
Correspondence 5
∨ more
Artifacts (Object genre) 4
Astronauts 4
Black-and-white photographs 4
Brochures 4
DVDs 4
Engineering 4
Newsletters 4
Personal papers 4
Programs (documents) 4
Publications (Documents) 4
Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae 4
Air pilots 3
Color slides 3
Historical documents 3
Mission patches 3
Reports 3
Working papers 3
Aeronautics 2
Air pilots, Military 2
Aircraft 2
Annual reports 2
Articles 2
Astronautics 2
Black-and-white slides 2
Books 2
Bulletins 2
Business records 2
Certificates 2
Coursework 2
Letters (Correspondence) 2
Manuals (instructional materials) 2
National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Space Shuttle insignia 2
Negatives (photographs) 2
Photographs 2
Scrapbooks 2
Textbooks 2
Women aerospace engineers 2
Women engineers 2
Writings (documents) 2
"First Flights" documentary 1
Aeronautics -- Periodicals 1
Aerospace engineering -- Handbooks 1
Aerospace engineering -- Periodicals 1
Aerospace engineering -- Textbooks 1
Astronautical charts 1
Astronautics--Periodicals. 1
Astronautics--Research 1
Astronautics--United States--History 1
Astronauts--1960-1970 1
Astronauts--Training of--United States 1
Audiocassettes 1
Awards 1
Badges 1
Biography 1
Booklets 1
Businessman 1
CD-Rs 1
Charts (graphic documents) 1
Clothing 1
College publicity 1
Curricula 1
Diagrams 1
Diagrams (Mission Module) 1
Diplomas 1
Electronic mail 1
Engineers 1
Essays 1
Fan mail 1
Files and filing (Documents) 1
Films 1
Floor plans (orthographic projections) 1
Food (space) 1
Handbooks 1
Korean War, 1950-1953 1
Lecture notes 1
Lunar landing sites 1
Lunar module 1
Lunar photography 1
Lunar roving vehicles 1
Magnetic tapes 1
Manuscripts (Documents) 1
Maps 1
Mechanical engineering 1
Mechanical engineering -- Study and teaching 1
Memorabilia 1
Memorandums 1
Military service--1940-1950 1
Moon rocks 1
Moon--Surface 1
NASA publications 1
NASA space programs 1
NASA--Deputy Administrator of Aeronautics 1
Naval aviators 1
Notebooks 1
+ ∧ less
Korean 1
Russian 1
Purdue University. Faculty 5
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4
Brown, Mark N. (Mark Neil), 1951- 2
Curtiss-Wright Cadettes 2
Gustafson, W. A. 2
∨ more
Purdue University. Airport 2
Zucrow, Maurice J. (Maurice Joseph), 1899-1975 2
Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco 1
Aerojet-General Corporation 1
Air Race Classic 1
Apollo 11 (Spacecraft) 1
Aretz, Lawrence 1
Armstrong, Neil, 1930-2012 1
Armstrong, Stephen Koenig, 1907-1990 1
Armstrong, Viola L., 1907-1990 1
Boy Scouts 1
Cargnino, Lawrence T. 1
Chaffee, Roger B., 1935-1967 1
Commercial Club of Cincinnati 1
Commonwealth Club of Cincinnati 1
Conaster, Rosemary Merims 1
Couch, Lana Murphy, 1941-2007 1
Curtiss-Wright Corporation 1
DeGroff, Harold M., Jr., 1920-2010 1
Edwards Air Force Base (Calif.) 1
Gemini 8 (Spacecraft) 1
Grandt, Alten F., Jr. 1
Kincheloe, Iven Carl, Jr., 1928-1958 1
Langley Research Center 1
McCormick, Jill S. 1
Midwest Applied Science Corporation 1
Minton, Joseph P. (Joseph Paul), 1924-2016 1
NASA Advisory Council 1
NASA Headquarters 1
National Commission on Space (U.S.) 1
Palmer, George M., Jr. (George Marshall), 1921-2018 1
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 1
President's Advisory Council on the Peace Corps 1
Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (U.S.) 1
Project Apollo (U.S.) 1
Project Gemini (U.S.) 1
Project Mercury (U.S.) 1
Purdue University 1
Purdue University. Air Transportation Program 1
Purdue University. Army ROTC 1
Purdue University. College of Engineering 1
Purdue University. College of Technology 1
Purdue University. Inter-American Flight Training Program 1
Purdue University. Jet Propulsion Center 1
Purdue University. Thermal Sciences and Propulsion Center (Zucrow Laboratories) 1
Simmons, John R., 1928-2011 1
Society of Experimental Test Pilots 1
Space Shuttle Program (U.S.) 1
Stanley, Paul E. 1
United States. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 1
United States. Navy 1
University of Cincinnati. School of Aerospace Engineering 1
University of Southern California. School of Aerospace Engineering 1
Webster, Grove 1
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