Box Communal Collections 22
Contains 31 Results:
Articles, 1904 - 1919
Booklets, Article and Correspondence, 1930 - 1934
Articles, 1943
Word And Idiom Frequency Counts In French And Their Value, Fotos, J. T. Reprinted from The Modern Language Journal, vol. XV, no. 5, pp.344-353, February 1931
One folder containing an article by John Fotos.
The Quadruplex Telegraph, 1896
The Quadruplex Telegraph In America, Translated from the French by Arthur O. Gates, May 1896. Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University.
*Being a treatise on multiple telegraphy delivered before the Electro-technical Society of Berlin by J. M. West. Translated into French for "L'Eclairage Electrique."
Articles/Catalogs, 1913
Articles/Catalog, 1914-1921
Catalog, 1921
Dodge Industrial Chains for Elevating-Conveying Power Transmission, Gates, A. O. (1921) Mishawaka, Indiana: Dodge Sales and Engineering Company.
Article and Obituary, 1929
Farmers' Institutes Were Pioneers in the Field of Agricultural Extension, Fitch, W. Q., The Purdue Agriculturist, vol. 23, no. 7, April, 1929, p. 176. (2 copies) Death Claims Walter Fitch At University: Brilliant leader in agriculture expires following heart attack; director of Farm Institute (Publication information not available).
The Growth Of Citrus Seedlings As Influenced By Environmental Factors, Girton, Raymond E. University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 83-117, 8 figures in text. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1927
Papers of Raymond Girton.
Articles, 1915 - 1922
One folder containing articles by William Gidley.
Publications, 1907 - 1914
Report of Committee on Steam Railways, Garman, H. O. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 27th Annual Report, 1907, pp. 41-45. [2 copies]
President's Address, Garman, H. O. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 34th Annual Report, 1914, pp. 15-16.
Evaluation of Public Utilities in Indiana, Garman, H. O. Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 34th Annual Report, 1914, pp. 32-40.
Address and Clipping, 1934 - 1941
"Appointed As Faculty Member," The Kalamazoo College Index, vol. 56, no. 1, September 21, 1934, p. 1 [includes photograph of Dr. Carey Ganong]
The Threat Of False Ideals: Memorial Day Address, 1941; Ganong, Carey Kierstead, Instructor in Economics, Purdue University.
A Manual For The Correction of Themes, Fore, H.F. (No date noted) Lafayette, Indiana: Burt-Haywood Co., undated
One folder containing a publication by Harry Fore.
Sulphur By-Products Of The Preparation Of Ether, Evans, P. N.; Foresman, G. K. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, pp. 211-216, 1917
One folder containing an article by George K. Foresman.
Home Drying of Vegetables and Fruits, Gaddis, Lella R., Purdue University Department of Agricultural Extension, Leaflet No. 75, Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University, May 1917
This collection includes an article written by Lella Gaddis in 1917 as well as clippings and photographs pertaining to her life, activities, and work.
Articles, 1919-1921
Articles, 1921-1925
Articles, 1895-1899
Articles, 1899-1900
Articles & Correspondence, 1903-1907
Relation of Microscopy to Pharmacy, Gidley, William F. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Indiana Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 116-118, 1915
One folder containing articles by William Gidley.
Dosage, Gidley, W. F. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Indiana Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 69-74, 1917
One folder containing articles by William Gidley.
Oral Hygiene and Oral Antiseptics, Gidley, W. F. Preprinted from the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. IX, no. 4, pp. 370-375, April 1920
One folder containing articles by William Gidley.
What Should be the Attitude of the Pharmacist Toward the Various Cults, 'Isms, 'Practices, 'Pathies, and Healers? Gidley, W. F. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. XI, no. 4, pp. 285-290, April 1922
One folder containing articles by William Gidley.