Box 11
Contains 31 Results:
Application for Space Shuttle Duty (Shuttle Pilot Program), Department of the Air Force, Headquarters United States Air Force, Washington, DC , February 19, 1977
Correspondence, Recommendation for Astronaut Duty, Richard C. Henry, Major General, United States Air Force, Director of Development & Acquisition, DCS/Research and Development (endorsement of Bridges) , March 11, 1977
Clippings related to new astronaut group selection (Bridges mentioned in several), August 1977 - January 1978
Telecommunication, Department of the Air Force, Subject: Astronaut Initial Selection by NASA, Individuals to report to NASA for interviews, July 1977
Request and Authorization for Temporary Duty (NASA interviews and physical exam at Johnson Space Center), August 1, 1977
Press release, NASA News, NASA to Interview Shuttle Astronaut Applicants (Bridges on list), August 2, 1977
Clipping, First group of shuttle astronaut applicants is reporting to space center on Tuesday, Houston Chronicle, July 30, 1977
Clippings, NASA Announces Selection Of 35 Shuttle Astronauts, and First Women, Blacks On Astronaut List (publication information unavailable), circa January 16, 1978
NASA list of pilots interviewed, NASA Medical Screening, Individual Candidate Schedule, Legend, and Bridges' notations, August 2, 1977
List of astronaut candidates , circa 1977
Mailgram; notification that Bridges was not selected for the astronaut candidate program, January 16, 1978
Transmission, Pentagon Telecommunication Center, 1980
"Summary: The secretary of the Air Force has approved a memorandum of understanding between the Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This agreement provides for participation by Air Force members in the forthcoming nationwide selection program for potential astronauts to join NASA in July 1980" along with a clipping, "Calling all Trekkies.""
Clippings in regards to Bridges' selection as an astronaut, circa 1980
Correspondence, Department of the Air Force, in regards to the Astronaut Selection Program, from E.T. Taylor, Colonel, USAF to Bridges, October 19, 1979, along with clipping, NASA to Accept Astronaut Applications, Aviation Week & Space Technology, p. 54, August 13, 1979
Application for Space Shuttle Duty, October 30, 1979
Recommendation for Astronaut Duty, from Thomas P. Stafford, Lieutenant General, USAF, October 29, 1979
Correspondence, Department of the Air Force, Leo M. Cutcliff, Jr., Captain, USAF, informing Bridges his application for an astronaut candidate position had been approved for consideration by the Air Force Nomination Board, November 1979
NASA News, newsletters, series of articles from six newsletters in regards to the screening process/groups (Bridges was in group 5 of 6), February 20 - April 25, 1980
Mailgram and supplemental information for astronaut interview process, April 14, 1980
Schedules and information for astronaut interview process, April 21, 1980
NASA correspondence, in regards to astronaut candidate training program, June 17, 1980
NASA News, Astronaut Candidates Complete Training , August 21, 1981
Nineteen American astronaut candidates and two European Space Agency (ESA) mission specialist candidates; Purdue alums Bridges, Blaha, Gardner, and Ross were all in this group.
Missing Astro/F117 which had been classified , 1980
Note: per Bridges, "I was assigned to the organization developing the F117 at the time of my selection for Astronaut duty, which complicated the announcement. Some speaking notes on my introduction to the press are included as well as a short note from Skip Anderson who had been my boss while assigned to the F117."