Box Communal Digital Media 3
Contains 23 Results:
Robert W. Smith papers on Biology at Purdue
John Trott interviews with Horace Paarlberg and John Hodges
2015 Sagamore Sankofa Award Dinner video
Purdue Academic Advising Association records, addition 02
Lafayette Kiwanis Club records, addition 01
Space Van 2011, 2004 - 2007
This sub-series contains research materials, reports, and design documents of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
Space Van 2011, 2006 - 2007
This sub-series contains prototype CAD files of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette records, addition 09
Donald N. Heirman papers, addition 15
NASA/Russian Aviation and Space Agency Joint Program Review documents and Technical Interchange Meeting agendas and minutes , circa 1994 - 2001
Mark S. Geyer papers
1985 Master File Plans
Allan Goecker collection of Purdue University College of Agriculture Academic Programs History
Documents the students, degree requirements, degree recipients, faculty, academic courses, Winter courses, and general history of the Purdue University College of Agriculture form its formation at the creation of the university through its first 150 years, ranging from the inception of the university to 2018. Also includes research photographs taken by Allan Goecker.
Professional Career, 1923 - 2018, bulk: 1975 - 2018
Professional Activities, 1978 - 2018
Len Cormier papers
The Len Cormier papers document Cormier's work as a commercial space flight pioneer. The majority of the papers include drawings, designs, blueprints, and papers related to engineer Cormier's work to design commercial reusable launch vehicles and other orbital vehicles. Types of materials include blueprints, business documents, CAD files, engineering designs, family documents, maps, a model (Space Van), papers, posters, research material, reports, topographical maps, and VHS tapes.