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Murphy Family papers

 Collection — Box: Box 1
Identifier: MSA 273

Scope and Contents

The Murphy Family Papers (1916-1929, 1999; 0.5 cubic ft.) document the student life and activities of Rosemary Murphy and Mary Marguerite Murphy during their school days at Purdue University. Subject areas include women's sports at Purdue University (basketball, soccer, track), the Purdue "We Girls Rifle Team," physical education for women students at Purdue, and the various fraternities, sororities, honors and athletic societies to which the Murphy... women belonged. The bulk of the papers were created by Rosemary Murphy and relate to her athletic activities on campus.

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  • Creation: 1916-1999
  • Other: Majority of material found in 1925-1929
  • Other: Date acquired: 01/05/2007


Conditions Governing Access

There are no access restrictions on this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

There are no use restrictions on this collection.

Biographical Information

Mary Marguerite Murphy was born in South Bend, Indiana, in 1903. Mary Murphy graduated from Purdue in 1924 with a Bachelor of Science degree. During her time as an undergraduate, Mary was very involved with campus activities, including women’s sports. She played basketball and was a member of Theta Chi Gamma, Kappa Delta Pi, the Philalethean Literary Society, the Women’s Athletic Association, the Woman’s Press Club, the Purdue Girls’ Club, the Purdue... Union Club, and the staff of the Exponent student newspaper. She remained in South Bend until the time of her death in 2004.

Rosemary Ann Murphy was born in South Bend, Indiana, in 1908. She was a prominent student athlete in the early days of women’s sports at Purdue. Graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1929, Rosemary spent her undergraduate years involved in the Women’s Athletic Association, and playing soccer, basketball, and baseball. She also took part in the coed track meets and was one of the highest scoring individuals. In 1927, Rosemary served as the President of the Women’s Athletic Association and represented Purdue at the Athletic Conference of American College Women in Ithaca, New York. Outside of sports, Rosemary was also involved in Gold Peppers, Kappa Delta Pi, the Philalethean Literary Society, the Purdue Girls’ Club, Alpha Lambda Delta, and Theta Chi Gamma. She also won recognition as a Distinguished Student multiple times. Later records indicate that Rosemary continued her education to become a doctor and that she lived in Boston Massachusetts at the time of her death in 1969.

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0.40 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials


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Arrangement Note

The Papers are comprised of two series: I. Rosemary Murphy Papers (6 folders; artifacts); II. Mary Marguerite Murphy Papers (1 folder)

Physical Access Requirements

Collection is located on-site.

Source of Acquisition

James E. Bognar

Method of Acquisition

Papers donated May 25, 2005 by James E. Bognar of South Bend, Indiana (a relative of the Murphy's).

Murphy Family papers
In Progress
Sammie Morris
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
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Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States