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1909 Gala Week booklet

 Collection — Communal Collections Box: 65, Placement: 14, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSP 281

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of one green leather-bound Gala Week booklet from 1909.


  • Creation: 1909

Access Information

Collection is open for research.

Copyright and Use Information

Collection is in the public domain.

Historical Information

The term "Gala Week" seems to have been coined in 1904 by a joint committee of students and faculty. Prior to that time it was referred to as "Commencement Week." Gala Week is a time of open houses for alumni, when they come back to campus to meet former classmates and welcome the graduating seniors as new alumni. The week usually opened with baccalaureate ceremonies, followed by a campus open house to show the University in operation. There were days for ROTC reviews, athletic events, banquets, and dances. On the last day of Gala Week was the Founders' Day Banquet and the senior-alumni dance. Gala Week used to begin the week before commencement, but after 1940 it was changed to the first week in May to coincide with the anniversary of the passage of the law to establish Purdue, 6 May 1869. In 1910, during Gala week the alumni adopted the song "Back to Old Purdue" and the official song for alumni. Note written by Sources: Story of Purdue's Traditions / Mary Bowlby and Mary Gannon; Gala Week program, 1904


0.025 Cubic Feet (Collection is housed in one folder.)

Language of Materials


Acquisition Information

Donated by Dick Kenot, February 21, 2013.

Processing Information

Collection is housed in an acid free folder.

1909 Gala Week booklet
Jennifer Sdunzik and Richard Bernier
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Edition statement
Second edition. Collection description was first completed on 2018-05-14

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

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West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States