Email Correspondence, 1994 - 2009
Scope and Contents
This series contains various forms of email correspondence related to Nichols's career and professional life. Subjects include inquiries about Nichols's research, professional collaborations, informal consultations, Heffter Research Institute, and general correspondence to and from his professional associates.
- Creation: 1994 - 2009
- From the Collection: Nichols, David E., 1944- (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material is in English.
Access Information
Material in Series Fourteen, Restricted Material, is not open to the public until 2080. Copies of this material with personally identifying information redacted are arranged within the collection according to their topic.
Reproduction of Series Fifteen, Email Correspondence, is not permitted until 2054.
.56 Gigabytes (43,877 email messages )
Technical Access
Email Correspondence Series is only accessible in the Purdue Archives and Special Collection reading room in West Lafayette. Researchers can view the emails with the ePADD software on the reading room computer.
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States