Restricted Material, 1974 - 2012
Scope and Contents
The David E. Nichols papers document David E. Nichols’s career as a medicinal chemist and pharmacologist at Purdue University from 1974 until 2012, as well as his subsequent professional and public activities. The collection features materials pertaining to Nichols’s groundbreaking research on hallucinogens (psychedelics), serotonin receptors, dopamine agonists, MDMA neurotoxicity, and MDMA analogues. The collection also features documents pertaining... to the founding and proceedings of the Heffter Research Institute, which Nichols founded in 1993. The collection includes but is not limited to correspondence, corporation records, grey literature, instructional materials, legal documents, popular and scholarly publications, and research materials. Donated in multiple accessions over several years, the Nichols papers are organized into fourteen series.
See moreThe Research Material series contains footage of animal testing which may cause distress or trauma to the viewer.
- Creation: 1974 - 2012
- From the Collection: Nichols, David E., 1944- (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material is in English.
Access Information
The material in this series is not open to researchers at this time due to donor restrictions. Redacted copies of documents in this series containing personally identifying information are available within the collection.
From the Collection: 51.20 Cubic Feet (67 document boxes; 23 records boxes; 1 card file box; 1 flat box)
From the Collection: 5 Gigabytes (605 digital files [access] .56 Gigabytes (43,877 email messages ))
Materials are arranged according to their original location within the collection.
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States