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Education, 1920 - 1964

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 288, Series 2

Scope and Contents

This series contains records pertaining to Eugene Cernan's activities and associations while attending both Purdue University and the United States Naval Postgraduate School. Holdings describe Cernan's memberships in the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, the National Society of Scabbard and Blade, the academic Tau Beta Pi Association, the honorary Skull and Crescent Society, material from his role as junior editor of the Purdue Debris yearbook, and the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC).

Additional material includes a NROTC yearbook (1956), for which Cernan served as editor-in-chief. Also included are details about his membership and service as President in the Quarterdeck Society, an honorary organization for upperclassmen in NROTC; material from his tenuure as chairmen of the Midshipman Ball committee, Military Ball committee, and his participation on the NROTC basketball team. Holdings also include Cernan's numerous employment offer letters leading up to graduation from Purdue University.

The bulk of this series, however, is devoted to course materials used by Cernan while attending both Purdue University and the Naval Postgraduate School. These include textbooks in electronics and physics subjects, as well as engineering drafting tools. Several boxes contain coursework and notes, including Purdue but mostly from the Naval Postgraduate School. Topics include drafting drawings completed by Cernan and course notes and work across multiple science and engineering disciplines ranging from basic electronics to advanced aerodynamics.

Additional documents related to Cernan's experiences at Purdue and the United States Naval Postgraduate School can be found in Series 4. Writings and Speeches, Sub-Sseries 2. The Last Man on the Moon Files.


  • Creation: 1920 - 1964


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Collection material is primarily in English. French is also present.

Access Information

The collection is open for research. Portions of the collection which contain confidential information are restricted.


3.33 Cubic Feet (Five letter-size full-width manuscript boxes, four letter-size half-width manuscript boxes, one shoe box, and one flat box)


This series is divided into two sub-series.

  1. Purdue University
  2. United States Naval Postgraduate School

Processing Information

Wherever possible, course titles were ascertained by cross referencing course numbers with Cernan's transcript from the United States Naval Postgraduate School. In two cases, the course materials were originally housed in a binder but have removed for preservation purposes while maintaining original order.

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States