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Showing Collections: 1 - 13 of 13

College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 28
Scope and Contents The College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station records document the history and functions of the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) at Purdue University. The collection consists of correspondence to and from the AES; administrative records including financial records, reports, documentation of AES’s experimental farms, contracts, and activities of the North Central Regional Hybrid Corn Technical Committee; research conducted by the AES; publications produced by the AES, or...
Dates: 1888 - 2001; Majority of material found within 1898 - 1957

Purdue University College of Engineering records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 89
Scope and Contents The Purdue University College of Engineering records document the historical background of the College; included are many historical documents, annual reports, pamphlets, publicity, department brochures, pamphlets, and programs, newsletters, publications, alumni information and various related material.Some items of note are key historical documents from the earliest Purdue Engineering Laboratories, such as the Locomotive and Automobile Test Laboratories. Also included is...
Dates: 1859 - 2023

Charles M. Ehresman papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 490
Scope and Contents The Charles M. Ehresman papers document the work and professional activities of Charles M. Ehresman, designer of Purdue University's High Pressure Rocket Laboratory, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, and operations manager of Purdue's Thermal Sciences and Propulsion Center (known today as Zucrow Laboratories). The collection also documents the design and construction of the High Pressure Rocket Laboratory and its early administration and operations, as well as materials...
Dates: 1897 - 2011; Other: Majority of material found within 1960 - 1972; Other: Majority of material found within 1997 - 2009

Clint Fink papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 300
Content Description The Clint Fink papers document Fink's life and career as a peace activist and educator. The papers documenting his career reflect his research while in graduate school and various proposals and presentations from after he received his doctorate. This series is also particularly strong in its coverage of Fink's involvement in and work with peace activism and advocacy. The collection contains records pertaining to the Peace Groups he led and participated in as well as a number of serial...
Dates: 1864 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1995

Allan Goecker collection of Purdue University College of Agriculture Academic Programs History

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 557
Scope and Contents

Documents the students, degree requirements, degree recipients, faculty, academic courses, Winter courses, and general history of the Purdue University College of Agriculture form its formation at the creation of the university through its first 150 years, ranging from the inception of the university to 2018. Also includes research photographs taken by Allan Goecker.

Dates: 2017 - 2020

Alten F. Grandt, Jr. papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 528
Scope and Contents The papers consist of research files on the history of aerospace engineering (AAE) at Purdue University, photographs, annual reports, annual research reports, curricula, student lists, AAE faculty and staff information, pamphlets, news clippings (some related to Purdue astronaut alumni), and copies of the book, One Small Step: the History of Aerospace Engineering at Purdue, by Grandt, Gustafson, and Carigino. There is also a copy of “Aeronautical Engineering at Purdue University from 1950 to...
Dates: 1902 - 2016

Darrell Katovsich collection of Vietnam veterans research

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 395
Scope and Contents The Darrell Katovsich collection of Vietnam veterans research contains a research report documenting the Purdue alumni, students, or former students who were killed in action during the Vietnam War. For each person, this includes a photo, background information, Purdue educational experience, military service, death information, and location of name on the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. These names are all documented on a plaque in the Purdue Memorial Union. Report...
Dates: 2022

Avanelle "Nell" Kirksey papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 502
Scope and Contents The Avanelle (Nell) Kirksey papers document the life and career of Dr. Avanelle Kirksey, a prominent researcher in maternal and infant nutrition. The collection reflects the impact of Kirksey as an educator and researcher, as well as the continued significance of her research on maternal and infant nutrition. The coverage of her work in Egypt and on vitamin B6 is particularly strong. Additionally, the collection is an indication of Kirksey’s ongoing legacy via the research of her graduate...
Dates: 1943 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1975 - 1995

Jill P. May papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 555
Scope and Contents The Jill P. May papers document the life and career of Professor of Emerita of the College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Education, Jill P. May. The majority of the papers date from the mid-1970s to May’s retirement in 2011. The collection documents the private and professional life of May, particularly her professional activities during her tenure at Purdue University. Some personal papers include May’s early life and education, in addition to correspondence with family members...
Dates: 1923 - 2018; Majority of material found within mid-1970s - 2011

Mary O'Hara papers on Helen Bass Williams

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 311

This collection documents Dr. Mary O'Hara's research into and relationship with Helen Bass Williams and includes research notes, correspondence, oral history recordings, interview transcripts, and published materials.

Dates: 1951 - 2007; Majority of material found within 1985 - 2000

D. Richard Smith papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 447
Scope and Contents Extensive research notes and publications related to D. Richard Smith's doctoral dissertation, "The Political Speaking of Henry F. Schricker of Indiana". Subjects of Smith's research include Indiana Governor Henry F. Schricker, Indiana politics, and Indiana history. Sources include newspaper articles, speech transcipts, interviews, correspondence, and publications. Also included are earlier papers written by Smith on the subject of Henry F. Schricker.The collection also includes...
Dates: 1921 - 1974; Majority of material found within 1958 - 1960

Richard (Dick) G. Strippel Research and Writings on Amelia Earhart

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 204
Scope and Contents The Richard (Dick) G. Strippel Research and Writings on Amelia Earhart (1931-1999; 4.3 cubic feet) comprise the materials used to write the book, Amelia Earhart: the myth and the reality….  Strippel compiled the materials presented here in preparation for the book’s publication. The collection also contains the book proposal and drafts for Amelia Earhart: the myth and the reality…, correspondence related to the publication of...
Dates: 1931-1999; Other: Date acquired: 07/06/2016

Leo Zeff papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 74
Scope and Contents

The Leo Zeff papers (1985-1988; 0.2 cubic feet) contain photographs, reports, and correspondence focusing primarily on ibogaine, as well as a manuscript of reflections shared with Alcoholics Anonymous members in 1977.

Dates: 1985 - 1988

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  • Subject: Research (documents) X

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Correspondence 5
Photographs 5
Letters (Correspondence) 4
Books 3
Born digital 3
∨ more
Clippings (Information artifacts) 3
Publications (Documents) 3
Women in higher education 3
Aeronautics 2
Agricultural education -- United States 2
Annual reports 2
Artifacts (Object genre) 2
Audiocassettes 2
Black-and-white photographs 2
Brochures 2
Bulletins 2
Color photographs 2
Education 2
Floppy disks 2
Greeting cards 2
Historical documents 2
Manuscripts (Documents) 2
Newsletters 2
Professor 2
Programs (documents) 2
Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae 2
Research notes 2
Subject files 2
USB flash drives 2
Working papers 2
Administrative records 1
Aerospace engineering 1
Agriculture 1
Anti-war demonstrations 1
Authors 1
Awards 1
Biographies 1
Biography 1
Black-and-white negatives 1
Black-and-white slides 1
Booklets 1
CD-Rs 1
Children's literature, American 1
Children's literature, American -- History and Criticism 1
Civil rights movements -- United States 1
Civil rights workers 1
College student newspapers and periodicals 1
College teachers 1
Color slides 1
Commemorative coins 1
Crops 1
Curricula 1
DVDs 1
Diagrams 1
Diplomas 1
Doctoral dissertations 1
Engines--Water and hail ingestion research 1
Fairy tales 1
Financial records 1
Hallucinogenic drugs 1
Hallucinogenic drugs -- Therapeutic use 1
Hallucinogenic plants 1
Home economics 1
Huichol Indians 1
Ibogaine 1
Lactation -- Nutritional aspects 1
Literary criticism 1
Literature 1
Livestock 1
Malnutrition 1
Manuals (instructional materials) 1
Maps 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
Multicultural education 1
Negatives (photographs) 1
Notebooks 1
Nutrition 1
Obituaries 1
Open reel audiotapes 1
Optical disks 1
Oral histories (document genres) 1
Pamphlets 1
Peace -- Study and teaching 1
Periodicals 1
Personal papers 1
Photo CDs 1
Photograph albums 1
Posters 1
Psychedelic psychotherapy 1
Psychedelics -- Therapeutic use 1
Publishers 1
Race discrimination -- United States 1
Records 1
Reference materials 1
Reports 1
Research grants 1
Rocket Propulsion Systems 1
Scientists 1
Scrapbooks 1
+ ∧ less
Purdue University. Faculty 5
Purdue University. College of Agriculture 2
Purdue University. School of Mechanical Engineering 2
Zucrow, Maurice J. (Maurice Joseph), 1899-1975 2
A. A. Potter Engineering Center (West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
∨ more
Alcoholics Anonymous 1
Alexander, Lloyd, 1924-2007 1
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 1
Cargnino, Lawrence T. 1
Carroll, Berenice A. 1
Children's Literature Association (U.S.) 1
College of Education. Department of Curriculum and Instruction 1
Curtiss-Wright Cadettes 1
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 1
Ehresman, Charles M., 1922-2012 1
Fink, Clint 1
Freeland, Monica 1
Fyfe, Mary Endres, 1914-2005 1
Geddes, L. A. (Leslie Alexander), 1921- 1
Goecker, Allan Dean, 1942- 1
Goss, W. F. M. (William Freeman Myrick), 1859-1928 1
Grandt, Alten F., Jr. 1
Gustafson, W. A. 1
Head Start Program (U.S.) 1
Highlander Research and Education Center (Knoxville, Tenn.) 1
Hyman, Trina Schart, 1939-2004 1
Kincheloe, Iven Carl, Jr., 1928-1958 1
Kirksey, A. (Avanelle) 1
Kirksey, Myron 1
Lotsof, Howard Stephen 1
May, Jill P., 1943- 1
Mississippi Action for Progress 1
Modern Language Association of America 1
National Council of Teachers of English 1
Nutrition Collaborative Research Support Program 1
O'Hara, Mary, 1952- 1
Potter, A. A. (Andrey Abraham), 1882-1979 1
Purdue University Retirees Association 1
Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station 1
Purdue University. Airport 1
Purdue University. College of Education 1
Purdue University. College of Engineering 1
Purdue University. Department of Foods and Nutrition 1
Purdue University. Department of Political Science 1
Purdue University. Hillenbrand Biomedical Engineering Center 1
Purdue University. Jet Propulsion Center 1
Purdue University. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1
Purdue University. School of Chemical Engineering 1
Purdue University. School of Civil Engineering 1
Purdue University. School of Electrical Engineering 1
Purdue University. Thermal Sciences and Propulsion Center (Zucrow Laboratories) 1
Purdue University. Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering 1
Purdue University. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program 1
Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 1
Schindel, Morton, 1918-2016 1
Schricker, Henry F. (Henry Fredrick), 1883-1966 1
Smith, Donald Richard, 1930-2011 1
Strippel, Dick 1
Teachers Encouraging a Love for Literature 1
WBAA (Radio station : West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
Weston Woods Studios 1
Williams, Helen Bass, 1916-1991 1
Zeff, Leo 1
+ ∧ less