Showing Collections: 201 - 225 of 376
Harold Jungbluth collection
Notice - "Literary Award to Harold Jungbluth." circa 1935.
Darrell Katovsich collection of Vietnam veterans research
Norman Kautsky papers
Kautsky, Norman L., "Wharfleigh and Other Haunts Along White River," recollections of Indianapolis and Indiana in the '20's and 30's, circa 1940.
Lloyd E. Keck scrapbook
George F. Keiper papers
Keiper, George F. (1911). A Case of Amblyopia Due to the Ingestion of One Hundred and Twenty Grains of Quinine Sulphate. Reprinted from the Ophthalmic Record, October, 1911, pp. 2-3.
Keiper, George F. (1911). Operations for Cataract Upon the Eyes of the Very Aged. Reprinted from The American Journal of Ophthalmology, November, 1911, pp. 1-7.
E. A. Kingsley papers
The papers consist of one folder which contains an address by Kingsley, and publications by and about him.
Andrew K. Kolar papers
Andrew K. Kolar papers include a Purdue paperweight, gear set, and ashtray.
Wilbert H. Krack photographs
The Wilbert H. Krack photographs encompasses ten photographs of Triangle Fraternity, twelve photographs of buildings from around campus, twenty-five photographs of sets and scenes from various plays and four miscellaneous shots. Krack was a member of the Play Shop Board, so there are many good images from play sets.
Krannert School of Management photographs
The Krannert School of Management photographs (1980-2004; 2 cubic feet) documents the Krannert Executive Forum program that at Krannert. The Krannert Executive Forum is a management class (MGMT 40100) that features top-level corporate executives sharing their experiences with students. The photographs show speakers lecturing as well as interacting with students. Photographs have labels and dates on the back.
Jon L. Larkin papers
Essay by Jon Larkin, "Purdue is Ready for Student Government," circa 1903.
Bertha Latta papers
Three Indiana State Department of Public Instruction publications and one journal clipping.
Lawrence R. Poel Collection of Purdue Mugs
Includes two Purdue tankard-style white mugs dated 1955 and 1956, previously belonging to Lawrence Poel.
Harry G. Leslie collection
Newspaper clippings from Harry Leslie's run for governor of Indiana.
Laurice L. Lockrow papers
Lockrow, Laurice L. (1922). The Effect of Oxygen and Hydrogen on the Emission of Electrons From Hot Platinum. Reprinted from the Physical Review, N.S., vol. XIX, no. 2, February, 1922, pp. 97-113. [2 copies]
Jane Forbing Lomont scrapbook
The Jane Forbing Lomont scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, invitations, dance cards, programs, handbooks and other printed ephemera related to Lomont's time as a student at Purdue, her husband Allen Lomont's political career in Fort Wayne, her participation and interest in Indiana state politics, and her career in the Federal Housing Administration.
Lowell C. Gray papers
Matthew Luckiesh papers
This collection contains publications by Dr. Luckiesh, primarily about vision and lighting and created as part of his research in the General Electric Lighting Research Laboratory. The collection also contains a personal scrapbook with copies of his degrees.
Anne M. Lutz papers
The Anne M. Lutz papers document Lutz' professional work in the field of genetics and her personal experiences while on a work trip to Belgium. Lutz was an early female scientist and genetics researcher who specialized in documenting chromosomes in plants. She was an expert in the area of chromosomes of Oenothera mutants and hybrids and has been credited with discoveries relating to the double chromosome theory. The collection includes diaries and publications written by Lutz.
Charles A. Lutz scrapbook
Charles C. Lynde papers
One folder containing articles by Charles Lynde.
Charles Carleton Lynde papers
This collection of the Charles Lynde papers is comprised of four folders which contain certificates and a photo.
Lydia Hildebrand Lynde collection
The Lydia Hildebrand Lynde collection includes a Master of Science diploma issued to Lydia Ann Hildebrand Lynde, June 11, 1919, and two photographs with names noted on the back.
Madison Weidner and Frank C. Watson collection
A Course in Mechanical Drawing, arranged especially for the students of Purdue University by C. B. Peterson, instructor in Mechanical Drawing, Lafayette, Indiana, 1896 [textbook]
Robert Marks papers
Graphical drawing of a calculus problem titled, "Punching Machine Drive: Shaft."
J. Clyde Marquis papers
This is a collection of articles written by J. Clyde Marquis, while he was the editor of The Country Gentleman.