Showing Collections: 301 - 325 of 376
Jerry L. Ross papers
Wayne P. Rothgeb papers
Manuscript of Capsheaves.
L. W. Rowe papers
Rowe, L. W. (1915). What is the Best End-Point of the Reaction in the Frog-Heart Method of Digitalis Assay? Reprinted from the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. IV, no. 1, January, 1915, pp. 108-112. [2 copies]
Howard E. Satterfield papers
"From Whence We Came," by Frances Gilchrist Gibson Satterfield, 1973 [family history]
Albert Scheible papers
Booklet and article written by Albert Scheible.
Robert K. Schelke photographs
The collection consists of seven individual photo album pages (includes 54 black and white photographs) documenting student activities and campus life at Purdue during the early 1920s. The photographs were taken by Robert K. Schelke who also provides the handwritten notes on the pages. Some of the photographs show campus buildings, including a shot of the Memorial Union while under construction.
Wilbur A. Schmitt scrapbook
Evelyn Schmollinger papers
The Evelyn Schmollinger papers document the personal life of Evelyn Harvey Schmollinger as a student at Purdue University. The papers consist of scrapbooks, dance cards, annotated issues of the Purdue Agriculturist, and pins.
Roger H. Schnurlein Collection on the Class of 1926
Roster of Class of 1926 Mechanical Engineering graduates, 25th, 60th, 65th, Class of 1926 anniversary testimonial certificates, and other items from the Class of 1926, post-graduation.
Lynn A. Scipio papers
The papers contain articles by Purdue alumnus, Lynn Scipio.
Mary Lou Seaburg Bieber collection
The collection consists of one folder which contains programs, Exponents and Exponent clippings, along with other memorabilia from Mary Lou Seaburg Bieber's days as a Purdue student.
Collection on A. A. Sego
The Collection on A. A. Sego documents the life and career of Sego, a 1917 Purdue alumnus and test pilot. The collection includes Sego's 1917 leather bound Gala Week program, one photograph of Sego in his aviator helmet, and several photocopied articles pertaining to his life and career.
A. B. Segur and Company Motion and Time Analysis collection
This collection contains instructional booklets on Motion Time Analysis published by A. B. Segur and Co. It also contains company bulletins, a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, a photo album of factory machinery, and company ephemera.
A. B. Segur papers
Fred F. and Charles W. Shafer collection
Family photograph, 1896, which includes Fred and Charles Shafer, information from 1907 Debris and Purdue Students' Directory, 1907-1908, along with a manuscript (interview) with Fred Fletcher Shafer, 1957
James B. Shaw papers
The James B. Shaw papers include Shaw's work on the science of algorithms as part requirement for the Doctor's Degree and various published articles on mathematics.
Jim Shearer collection
Membership card, Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Purdue University, circa 1904.
Program, Philalethean, Twenty-seventh Annual, Friday, April 28, 1905.
Stanton S. Shirk papers
Contains materials pertaining to the Agriculture class of 1938, including class lists, commencement letters, newspapers, fliers, programs, postcards, alumni materials, and directories.
Douglass Shortridge collection
The Douglass Shortridge collection contains artifacts from Shortridge's student years at Purdue, historical newspapers from the end of World War II, a newspaper obituary of Abram C. Shortridge, and other documents accumulated during Shortridge's career.
E. E. Sickler papers
"Thoughts At The Anvil," by E. E. Sickler.
Ella B. Silance collection
One photograph, with Ella B. Silance's named marked on the back, but a group of unidentified people in the photograph.
John R. Simmons student papers
Vern N. Smiley collection
Gala Week 1921 booklet; Pi Omicron National Sorority - program, 1933-1934; Pi Omicron National Sorority directory, April 1935, and small Alpha Chapter Pi Omicron scrapbook, 5" x 4" with thirty-six photographs in it, 1930-1931.
C. F. Smith collection
The C. F. Smith papers consist of publications issued by the Bournonville Rotary Valve Motor Company of Hoboken, New Jersey, under the guidance of Smith as the company's chief engineer.
Howard E. Smith class ring
Howard E. Smith's gold 1906 class ring is embellished with College of Science and Purdue University insignias.