Showing Collections: 226 - 234 of 234
Donald E. Williams papers
The Donald E. Williams papers document Williams' two shuttle missions; STS-51-D and STS-34, along with memorabilia from STS-1, the first mission. Also included are various mission patches and decals. The artifacts include his flight helmet, and items used in space; gloves, knife, fork, teaspoon, and can opener.
Types of materials include: artifacts, checklists (mission), clippings, decals, memorabilia, NASA press kit, papers, mission patches, and photographs.
Helen Bass Williams papers
This collection includes documents, correspondence, published materials, photographs, and audio recordings collected and created by Helen Bass Williams that document her personal life, education, and her work as a civil rights activist in the South, educator, and counselor and professor at Purdue University.
Thomas S. Wilmeth papers
The Thomas S. Wilmeth papers documents Wilmeth’s time as a student during the early to mid-1930s. The types of materials include class and lab notebooks, publications created specifically for use in Purdue classes, photos, and a scrapbook of photos and clippings that Wilmeth maintained while a student at Purdue. Also included are textbooks that Wilmeth used as a student.
Carlton A. Wilmore papers
This collection contains photographs and ephemera collected by Carlton A. Wilmore during his time at Purdue, as well as some items from after he moved to Alabama.
Totsye Harper Winslow collection on the Curtiss-Wright Cadettes
Women in Engineering Program records
Robert Wray glass negatives
The Robert Wray glass negatives documents life during the World War I era. The glass negatives feature Purdue University and time spent in France during World War I. It also features a mansion, lake-house, and images of family life. Due to lack of documentation, no individuals or buildings are currently identified in the negatives. The collection includes 63 glass negatives and four original packages designed for glass negatives.
John S. Wright papers
The papers of John Wright are comprised of notebooks, financial records (one ledger and additional receipts), publications, and photographs which document John Wright's time as a student at Purdue University, and material from his career as a botanist and drug inspector for Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Leo Zeff papers
The Leo Zeff papers (1985-1988; 0.2 cubic feet) contain photographs, reports, and correspondence focusing primarily on ibogaine, as well as a manuscript of reflections shared with Alcoholics Anonymous members in 1977.