Showing Collections: 26 - 31 of 31
John R. Simmons student papers
Toni Mayo papers and research files for "Defining Flight"
Documentation and research notes from twenty personal narratives of Huntington County, Indiana pilots and aviatrixes who flew during the early to mid-twentieth century. The research notes from oral histories were used by Toni Mayo in the compilation of her master’s thesis and book, Defining Flight.
Robert W. Topping papers
Collection on James Whitcomb Riley
Donald E. Williams papers
The Donald E. Williams papers document Williams' two shuttle missions; STS-51-D and STS-34, along with memorabilia from STS-1, the first mission. Also included are various mission patches and decals. The artifacts include his flight helmet, and items used in space; gloves, knife, fork, teaspoon, and can opener.
Types of materials include: artifacts, checklists (mission), clippings, decals, memorabilia, NASA press kit, papers, mission patches, and photographs.
John S. Wright papers
The papers of John Wright are comprised of notebooks, financial records (one ledger and additional receipts), publications, and photographs which document John Wright's time as a student at Purdue University, and material from his career as a botanist and drug inspector for Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana.