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Purdue University Customs and Traditions collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 151
Scope and Contents The Purdue University Customs and Traditions collection features, among other memorabilia, a tank scrap chain and padlock from 1913, a label from the first bottle of beer served to a Purdue student after the repeal of prohibition, numerous buttons and pins, including a hatpin with the Purdue seal from 1895 on it (third design), a Reamer's Club "R" from the early 1990s, a Purdue Murad cigarette silk, a 1902-1903 matriculation ticket signed by Purdue President Winthrop E. Stone, along with...
Dates: 1877 - 2014; Other: Majority of material found within 1880 - 1940

Fowler Courts Residence Hall records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 43
Scope and Contents The Fowler Courts Residence Hall records document the history of Fowler Courts Residence Hall and Fowler House. The records include annual reports, orientation guidebooks and handbooks, faculty fellow directories, yearbooks and calendars. Also included are Purdue Residence Hall dress code standards and guest hours polices from the 1960s-1980s. Historical documents consist of background information on the closing of Harrison Street Courts and the transition to South Campus Courts,...
Dates: circa 1920s - 1993; Majority of material found within 1954 - 1993

Purdue University Fraternities and Sororities collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 159
Scope and Contents The Purdue University Fraternities and Sororities collection documents the history and activities of the fraternities and sororities at Purdue. Contained in the collection are numerous fraternity and sorority newsletters and magazines. There are some records provided by the Dean of Students Office in 1995 and include correspondence and financial information sheets. Among the other material in the collection are petitions for membership, constitutions and by-laws, membership directories and...
Dates: 1885 - 2008; Other: Majority of material found within 1995 - 2005

Helen Gould collection of Purdue dance cards and theater programs

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 294
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of 41 dance cards, four theater programs and seven Purdue related ephemera and miscellaneous memorabilia from Helen Gould's tenure are a Purdue student, 1922-1926.

Dates: 1922 - 1926; Other: Majority of material found within 1923 - 1924

Filtered By

  • Subject: Memorabilia X
  • Names: Purdue University. Students. Social life and customs X

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Artifacts (Object genre) 3
Dance cards 3
Newsletters 3
Programs (documents) 3
Black-and-white photographs 2
∨ more  
Kappa Alpha Theta 2
Panhellenic Association (Purdue University) 2
Pi Kappa Alpha 2
Acacia Fraternity 1
Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity 1
∨ more
Alpha Chi Rho 1
Alpha Gamma Delta 1
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity 1
Alpha Kappa Lambda. Kappa Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Alpha Phi International Fraternity 1
Alpha Tau 1
Alpha Tau Omega 1
Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 1
Beta Theta Pi 1
Beta Theta Pi. Beta Mu Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Boilermaker Special (Mascot) 1
Chi Omega Fraternity 1
Delta Chi Fraternity 1
Delta Delta Delta 1
Delta Gamma 1
Delta Phi Mu 1
Delta Pi Rho 1
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 1
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 1
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Gamma Lambda Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Delta Upsilon Fraternity 1
Delta Zeta Sorority 1
FarmHouse Fraternity 1
Fowler Courts (West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
Francke, Gloria Niemeyer 1
Gamma Phi Beta 1
Gould, Helen (April 21, 1904-February 28, 2000) 1
Interfraternity Council (Purdue University) 1
Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils (Purdue University) 1
Kappa Alpha Order 1
Kappa Kappa Gamma 1
Kappa Phi Sigma 1
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 1
Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Chi Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Kolar, Andrew K., 1914-1991 1
Lambda Chi Alpha 1
Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity 1
Mars Theater (Lafayette, Indiana) 1
Phi Beta Kappa 1
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 1
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity 1
Phi Kappa Psi 1
Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity 1
Phi Kappa Tau 1
Phi Mu Fraternity 1
Phi Sigma Pi. Gamma Alpha Chapter. 1
Pi Beta Phi 1
Pi Kappa Phi 1
Purdue University--Buildings 1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1
Sigma Alpha Mu 1
Sigma Chi Fraternity 1
Sigma Delta Tau 1
Sigma Kappa Sorority 1
Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority 1
Sigma Nu. Beta Zeta Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Sigma Phi Epsilon 1
Sigma Pi Fraternity 1
South Campus Courts (West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
Tau Kappa Epsilon 1
Theta Chi. Alpha Delta Chapter (Purdue University) 1
Theta Delta Chi 1
Theta Tau 1
Theta Xi Fraternity 1
Triangle Fraternity 1
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