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Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 90

Clarence Frank Cornish papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 323
Scope and Contents The Clarence Frank Cornish papers consist of letters, correspondence, photographs, awards and certificates, flight logs, aviator textiles and goggles, newspaper clippings, and artifacts documenting Clarence "Cap" Frank Cornish's air training and service during World War One, his service at Army Air Forces Headquarters during World War Two, his work for the Aeronautics Commission of Indiana, his participation in several aeronautical organizations, and his role in the development aeronautics...
Dates: 1908 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1917 - 1995

Purdue University Customs and Traditions collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 151
Scope and Contents The Purdue University Customs and Traditions collection features, among other memorabilia, a tank scrap chain and padlock from 1913, a label from the first bottle of beer served to a Purdue student after the repeal of prohibition, numerous buttons and pins, including a hatpin with the Purdue seal from 1895 on it (third design), a Reamer's Club "R" from the early 1990s, a Purdue Murad cigarette silk, a 1902-1903 matriculation ticket signed by Purdue President Winthrop E. Stone, along with...
Dates: 1877 - 2014; Other: Majority of material found within 1880 - 1940

Collection of Amelia Earhart related materials

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 188
Scope and Contents The Collection of Amelia Earhart related materials consists of items collected by the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections over the years as a supplement to the George Palmer Putnam collection of Amelia Earhart papers. There are numerous articles about Earhart, including information about her relationship with Purdue University and activities held in her honor. The collection also contains firsthand accounts of encounters with Earhart written by those who knew her while she was...
Dates: 1928 - 2010; Majority of material found within 1928 - 1990

Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 000EGDG1
Scope and Contents

Materials relating to Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry at Purdue University. Includes materials on the history of the Machine Graphics Department at Purdue. The collection includes various publications, reports, course manuals, work sheets, and other documents. Papers by Lillian Gilbreth, Paul Chenea, and H.H. Remmers are included. Please see PDF Finding Aid for collection inventory.

Dates: 1887 - 2002; Majority of material found within 1940 - 1980; Other: Date acquired: 05/11/2004

Eugene Cernan's Framed Compilation of Flags and Patches, Carried to Moon on Apollo 10

 Collection — Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 271
Scope and Contents One framed artifact containing a small American flag, two space mission patches (Gemini IX, Stafford-Cernan) and (Apollo X, Stafford-Young-Cernan), a Purdue University Centennial Year flag (1869-1969), and a note from astronaut Eugene Cernan, "These flags and patches were carried to the moon on Apollo 10. Presented to the faculty and students of Purdue University by Commander Gene Cernan. My sincere thanks to all at Purdue for helping make this accomplishment possible." (Signed by Eugene...
Dates: 1969

Arthur H. Fisher papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 29
Scope and Contents

The Arthur H. Fisher papers contain artifacts, certificates, a diploma, photographs, and miscellaneous items from Arthur Fisher's time spent as a Purdue University student. There are some items that Fisher obtained after his tenure as a student, such as alumni loyalty certificates. This collection would be very valuable to anyone interested in student life at Purdue University during the early 20th century or the Purdue Military Band.

Dates: 1916 - 1955; Majority of material found within 1916 - 1920

Cleo Fitzsimmons papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 73

The Cleo Fitzsimmons papers documents Fitzsimmons' career as a professor and department head in Home Management at Purdue University. Materials include correspondence, photographs, awards, publications, and faculty hood belonging to Fitzsimmons.

Dates: 1928 - 1998; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1970

Fowler Courts Residence Hall records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 43
Scope and Contents The Fowler Courts Residence Hall records document the history of Fowler Courts Residence Hall and Fowler House. The records include annual reports, orientation guidebooks and handbooks, faculty fellow directories, yearbooks and calendars. Also included are Purdue Residence Hall dress code standards and guest hours polices from the 1960s-1980s. Historical documents consist of background information on the closing of Harrison Street Courts and the transition to South Campus Courts,...
Dates: circa 1920s - 1993; Majority of material found within 1954 - 1993

Yuri Gagarin Song Book and Commemorative Matches Box Set

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSP 205
Scope and Contents The Yuri Gagarin Song Book and Commemorative Matches Box Set honors Gagarin's achievement as the first person in space. The collection includes a commemorative poem and song book from Moscow (1962) honoring cosmonaut Gagarin and his fellow cosmonauts; Gherman Titov, Andriyan Nikolayev, and Pavel Popovich, the first four Soviets in space. Also included is a commemorative box set of matches. The illustrated souvenir box (9 ¼" x 11 ½") contains 28 individual illustrated boxes of matches,...
Dates: 1934 - 1968

Stanton K. Galey collection

 Collection — Box: Communal Collections 6, Placement: 21
Identifier: MSA 115
Scope and Contents

Purdue Varsity Athletics card, signed by Stanton K. Galey.

Dates: circa 1950

John Gano Purdue University key and medallions

 Collection — Box: Communal Collections 6, Placement: 22
Identifier: MSA 116
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of one chain, with a Purdue key, fraternity medallion and a third unidentifiable medallion attached, circa 1920s.

Dates: 1950s

Larry Gee papers and space memorabilia

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 276
Scope and Contents The Larry Gee papers and space memorabilia document Larry Gee's 22 year career as an engineer in the aerospace industry. Memorabilia and artifacts include commemorative space flight flags, Space Shuttle Mission patches, commemorative pins, Apollo 11 anniversary memorabilia, Columbia commemorative coin, DVDs, astronaut space shuttle crew photographs, data sheets, awards, certificates, newsletters and various documents from Gee's work with Space Shuttle main engines, Atlas engines, Delta...
Dates: 1962 - 2015; Majority of material found within 1988 - 2005

Gary J. Glazer papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 31
Scope and Contents The Gary J. Glazer papers document Gary J. Glazer’s student life at Purdue from 1964 to 1967. He was active in the Owen Hall Hussar Club and most of the collection relates to his activities with this club. There are also materials related to the Purdue Boilermaker football team playing in the 1967 Rose Bowl. Types of materials include printed materials, photographs, ephemera including pins and patches, cords, caps, and plaques. Purdue traditions are documented here, such as the Senior Cords...
Dates: 1964 - 1967

Jerome M. Goldman papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 461
Scope and Contents The Jerome Goldman papers document Goldman's career as a Purdue University student in Aeronautical Engineering, his service in the United States Army Air Corp and his work afterwards as a pilot for United Air Lines, along with his key role in establishing Purdue Aeronautics Corporation and Purdue Air Lines as chief pilot, director of operations, and later vice president for operations and maintenance. Also included are papers from his work with International Learning Systems, the Federal...
Dates: 1941 - 1972; Other: Majority of material found within 1965 - 1972

Helen Gould collection of Purdue dance cards and theater programs

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 294
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of 41 dance cards, four theater programs and seven Purdue related ephemera and miscellaneous memorabilia from Helen Gould's tenure are a Purdue student, 1922-1926.

Dates: 1922 - 1926; Other: Majority of material found within 1923 - 1924

Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 15
Scope and Contents

The Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association Records (GLATA) (1949-2011; 28 cubic feet) document the official business activities of the Association. The records include constitutions and bylaws, policies and procedures, directories, correspondence, reports, printed material, meeting minutes, financial records, computer media, audio-visual materials, artifacts, and photographs.

Dates: 1949 - 2011

Winthrop A. Gustafson papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 522
Scope and Contents This collection includes photographs of astronauts, mission launch invitations, clippings, mission patches, and writings. Many items relate to or are from Purdue astronaut John Blaha and other Purdue astronauts whom had a connection to Professor Gustafson. Also includes Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics alumni newsletters and other publications. Lastly, there is a matted photograph of Earth presented to Dr. Gustafson in gratitude for his work as Co-Op coordinator for...
Dates: 1984 - 2011

Hail Purdue plate

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSA 351
Scope and Contents

The collection contains one decorative round plate with a brass stand. The "Hail Purdue" lyrics are written on the edges of the plate. The plate belonged to Brice K. Meeker, who graduated with his master's and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics in 1950 and 1953 respectively. The collection was donated by his daughter, Lara Meeker. The collection might be useful for researchers interested in University-related artifacts and memorabilia.

Dates: ca. 1949; Other: Date acquired: 11/6/2017

Herbert C. Brown papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSF 4
Scope and Contents

The Herbert C. Brown Papers [360 cubic feet] document the professional life and some of the personal life of Herbert Brown, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize for Chemistry and former Purdue University professor. The collection consists of professional papers, personal papers, publications, professional and personal correspondence, research records, university and departmental papers, graduate student work and records, photographs, awards, memorabilia, and artwork.

Dates: 1928-2005; Other: Majority of material found in 1940s-1990s; Other: Date acquired: 06/12/2005

Ross W. Hippensteel papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 34
Scope and Contents The Ross W. Hippensteel papers (1912-1960; 13.5 cubic feet) document the college and military career of Ross W. Hippensteel. The collection contains many artifacts, papers, handbooks, manuals, certificates, class notes, clippings, correspondence, ephemera, a pencil sketch, clothing and other miscellaneous items. Some of the items belonged to his wife, Jean Rankin Hippensteel. The class notes are from many of his Purdue University, mechanical engineering and physics courses from 1929-1934,...
Dates: 1912 - 1960; Majority of material found within 1932 - 1950

School of Hospitality and Tourism Management collection of Purdue photographs and memorabilia

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA 82
Scope and Contents The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management collection of Purdue photographs and memorabilia collection (1890-1991; 4.8 cubic feet) documents general Purdue history and various Hospitality and Tourism Department events and activities. Photographs portray various student activities and campus scenes from the decades surrounding the turn of the twentieth century, originally on display in the HTM Café. Photographs also depict culinary events during the 1980s. Types of materials include:...
Dates: 1890 - 1991

Herschel Hunt papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSF 183
Scope and Contents

The Herschel Hunt papers consist of publications Hunt wrote while a Purdue Chemistry professor, including the book, Physical Chemistry, in which Hunt made notations. Also included is a certificate Professor Hunt received from Sigma Delta Chi for "best teacher award" in 1942. There is an "A Bomb" pin, and a certificate from the United States Office of Scientific Research and Development, for Hunt's scientific research contributions during World War II.

Dates: 1937 - 1948

Indiana Athletic Trainers Association records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 184
Scope and Contents

The Indiana Athletic Trainers’ Association records (1980-2014; 15 cubic feet) documents the business and professional activities of the IATA from its inception in 1980 to 2014. Collection contains records including board of directors meeting agendas and minutes, membership directories, financial reports, and correspondence. The collection also includes public relations materials, photographs, memorabilia and historical material. The records are broken up into seventeen series.

Dates: 1980-2014; Other: Date acquired: 08/01/2015

Indiana Extension Homemakers Association records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 196

The collection includes papers, publications, artifacts, and a scrapbook, which document the history and activities of the Indiana Extension Homemakers Association, an educational and social group for homemakers in Indiana.

Dates: 1953-2015; Other: Date acquired: 03/04/2014

Injun Summer Wood Block Printing Plates

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSR 13
Scope and Contents

Two wooden printing blocks used to print the Injun Summer cartoon by John T. McCutcheon.

Dates: undated

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Purdue University -- Alumni and alumnae 33
Correspondence 30
Clippings (Information artifacts) 29
Black-and-white photographs 21
Certificates 21
∨ more
Awards 18
Color photographs 18
Memorabilia 16
Scrapbooks 15
Astronauts 14
Personal papers 14
Photographic prints 12
Photographs 12
Books 11
Mission patches 11
Programs (documents) 11
Publications (Documents) 10
Audiovisual materials 9
Clothing 9
Manuscripts (Documents) 8
Newsletters 8
Printed ephemera 8
Articles 7
DVDs 7
Diplomas 7
Posters 7
Reports 7
Women in higher education 7
Handbooks 6
Manuals (instructional materials) 6
Negatives (photographs) 6
Aeronautics 5
Aerospace engineering 5
Air pilots, Military 5
Audiocassettes 5
Color slides 5
Diaries 5
Engineering 5
Letters (Correspondence) 5
Notebooks 5
Pamphlets 5
Photograph albums 5
Plaques (Flat objects) 5
Professor 5
Test pilots 5
Textbooks 5
Working papers 5
Air pilots 4
Commemorative coins 4
Commemorative pins 4
Flight logs 4
Home economics 4
Newspapers 4
Optical disks 4
Patents 4
Pilots (Aeronautics) 4
Postcards 4
Sound recordings 4
Space shuttles--United States 4
Textiles 4
Transcripts 4
Aerial photographs 3
Air pilots--Indiana 3
Annual reports 3
Beanies 3
Booklets 3
Brochures 3
Business records 3
Buttons (information artifacts) 3
CD-Rs 3
Cords 3
Dance cards 3
Financial records 3
Floppy disks 3
Historical documents 3
Logs (Records) 3
Magazines (Periodicals) 3
Mechanical engineering 3
Press releases 3
Records (Documents) 3
Slide rules 3
Souvenirs 3
Space flights 3
Women deans (Education) -- Indiana 3
Women educators 3
Women in science 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Administrative records 2
African American students 2
Agricultural extension work 2
Aircraft 2
Astronautics 2
Astronautics--Research 2
Astronautics--United States--History 2
Astronauts--1960-1970 2
Astronauts--Training of--United States 2
Athletic trainers 2
Audiotapes 2
+ ∧ less
Russian 3
French 1
Korean 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Purdue University 14
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 10
Purdue University--Students 8
Armstrong, Neil, 1930-2012 5
Purdue University. Faculty 5
∨ more
Purdue University. Students. Social life and customs 5
Cernan, Eugene 4
Purdue Boilermakers (Football team) 4
Purdue University. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics 4
Ross, Jerry Lynn, 1948- 4
Bridges, Roy D., Jr. (Roy Dunbard), 1943- 3
Cook, Barbara I. (Barbara Ivy), 1929-2013 3
Hovde, Frederick L., 1908-1983 3
Schleman, Helen B. (Helen Blanche), 1902-1992 3
United States. Navy 3
Apollo 11 (Spacecraft) 2
Apollo 17 (Spacecraft) 2
Blaha, John E., 1942- 2
Covey, Richard O., 1946- 2
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 2
Edwards Air Force Base (Calif.) 2
Elliott, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1874-1960 2
Gardner, Guy S., 1948- 2
Helen B. Schleman Hall of Student Services (West Lafayette, Ind.) 2
Johnston, Paul, 1899- 2
McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949 2
Moriarty, John Helenbeck, 1903-1971 2
Nelson, Betty M., 1935- 2
Project Apollo (U.S.) 2
Purdue Boilermakers (Men's Basketball team) 2
Purdue Choral Society 2
Purdue Pete (Mascot) 2
Purdue University. Band 2
Purdue University. College of Agriculture 2
Purdue University. College of Engineering 2
Purdue University. Department of Chemistry 2
Purdue University. Libraries 2
Purdue University. Office of the Dean of Students 2
Purdue University. Office of the Dean of Women 2
Rogers, Bruce, 1870-1957 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) 2
Ross-Ade Stadium (West Lafayette, Ind.) 2
Space Shuttle Program (U.S.) 2
Stone, M. Beverley (Marguerite Beverley), 1916-2003 2
Thompson, Robert 2
United States Air Force Academy 2
Voss, Janice, 1956-2012 2
Watlington, Sally, 1938- 2
Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco 1
Ade, George, 1866-1944 1
Aereco Flying Service 1
Aerojet Rocketdyne 1
Aeronautics Commission of Indiana 1
Air Race Classic 1
Akeley, Anna, 1904-2004 1
Akeley, Edward 1
Aldrich Chemical Company 1
Alexander, Lloyd, 1924-2007 1
American Dairy Science Association 1
Apollo 10 (Spacecraft) 1
Aretz, Lawrence 1
Armstrong, Stephen Koenig, 1907-1990 1
Armstrong, Viola L., 1907-1990 1
Army Air Forces (U.S.) 1
Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (West Lafayette, Ind.) 1
Atherton, Albert 1
Beatrice Foods Company 1
Beering, Jane, 1934-2015 1
Beering, Steven C., 1932- 1
Bell, Cornell A. 1
Beta Theta Pi 1
Bill, Robert (Robert Louis) 1
Bitzer, Arthur G., Jr. 1
Bitzer, Roberta Miriam (Craig) 1
Blakesley, James Flinn, 1924-2016 1
Boeing Aerospace Company 1
Boilermaker Special (Mascot) 1
Bonny, Kate 1
Boy Scouts 1
Brees, Drew, 1979- 1
Brown, Charles A. 1
Brown, Herbert C. (Herbert Charles), 1912-2004 1
Brown, Mark N. (Mark Neil), 1951- 1
Brown, Ralph O., 1911-2000 1
Brown, Sarah Baylen, 1916-2005 1
Butler, Susan Bulkeley 1
Byrkett, Gary, 1950-2016 1
Byrkett, Sharon Arvin, 1946-2009 1
Chaffee, Roger B., 1935-1967 1
Challenger (Spacecraft) 1
Children's Literature Association (U.S.) 1
Christoff, Dorothy Jean, 1943-1998 1
Cleland, John M., 1951-2022 1
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
College of Education. Department of Curriculum and Instruction 1
Commercial Club of Cincinnati 1
Commonwealth Club of Cincinnati 1
Conaster, Rosemary Merims 1
Conrow, Wilford Seymour 1
Cornish, Clarence Frank, 1898-1995 1
+ ∧ less