Box Communal Collections 39
Contains 38 Results:
Articles, 1922
Relation of the Character of the Endosperm to the Susceptibility of Dent Corn to Root Rotting, Trost, John F. United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 1062, April 22, 1922. Washington, D. C.: United States Department of Agriculture.
"Sweet Dreams and/or Nightmares of an old Corn Breeder Farmer," by John F. Trost, no publication information is available. [2 copies]
Articles, 1939
Article, 1930
Why Parent Education?, Tilson, Agnes. Reprinted from the New Era in home and school, July, 1930, pp. 9-12.
Articles, 1967-1968
Article, 1929
Publicity Made To Order, Todd, Leon. Reprinted from Proceedings of Twenty-First Annual Meeting, Poultry Science Association, Auburn, Alabama, August 20-23, 1929, pp. 1-2.
Article, 1924
The Transformations and Course of Development of Germinating Maize, Toole, Eben Henry. Reprinted from the American Journal of Botany, vol. XI, May, 1924, pp. 325-350.
Notes on Present Tendency in Street Lighting Practice, Topping, A. N. Abstract reprinted from Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, pp. 123-124, 1916 - 1917
The papers consists of one folder which contains an abstract by A. N. Topping.
Articles, 1921-1928
Phase-Theory As A Time-Theory In Sound Localization, Trimble, Otis C. Reprinted from Iowa Academy of Science, 1921, pp. 285-290.
Some Temporal Aspects of Sound Localization, Trimble, Otis C. Offprinted from the Psychological Monographs, vol. XXXVIII, no. 4, 1928, pp. 172-225. [2 copies]
Articles, 1928-1931
Articles, 1931-1934
Articles, 1934-1935
Articles, 1884-1897
Economic Entomology - Past and Present, Troop, J. Reprinted from Transactions of the Indiana Horticultural Society, 1884, pp. 31-34
Grasses of Indiana, Troop, James. Board of Agriculture (?), 1889, pp. 213-244.
The San Jose Scale, Troop, James. Reprinted from Transactions of the Indiana Horticultural Society, 1897, pp. 161-168.
Articles, 1898-1931
Article, 1951
"The Challenge of Service in 1952," by Professor Daniel Den Uyl, National President of Alpha Phi Omega, Faculty Advisor of Alpha Gamma Chapter, Purdue University, Torch and Trefoil, vol. 27, no. 1, December, 1951, p. 3.
Articles, 1902-1960
Modern Tendencies in Heating and Ventilation, Veal, C. B. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Indiana Engineering Society, 34th Annual Report, pp. 260-276, 1914
Articles, 1943
Inheritance of Susceptibility to Infection by Helminthosporium Maydis Race 1 in Maze, Ullstrup, Arnold J. Reprinted from Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 63, no. 6, September 15, 1941, pp. 331-334.
Two Physiologic Races of Helminthosporium Maydis in the Corn Belt, Ullstrup, Arnold J. Reprinted from Phytopathology, vol. XXXI, no. 6, June, 1941, pp. 508-521.
Article, 1952
High Concentrations of Diolefins Give Low Ignition Temperature Fuels, Trent, C. H.; Zucrow, M. J. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 44, November 1952, pp. 2668-2673.
John F. Trost papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains two articles by John F, Trost.
Arnold J. Ullstrup papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Arnold J. Ullstrup.
C. H. Trent papers
Collection consists of one folder which contains an article by C. H. Trent.
Agnes Tilson papers
Collection consists of one folder which contains an article by Agnes Tilson.
Terence Tobin papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Terence Tobin.
Leon Todd papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by Leon Todd.
Eben H. Toole papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains an article by Eben Henry Toole.