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Box 62


Contains 3 Results:

President, American Astronautical Society (AAS), 1990 - 2014

 Series — Box: 62
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 14
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Mark K. Craig papers document Purdue alumnus (BSAE 1971) Mark Craig's almost fifty year career in space exploration. Craig contributed to the Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Mars Rover Sample Return, and Lunar-Mars Exploration programs in positions progressing from co-op intern to NASA Assistant Administrator. The papers also reflect Craig’s work on space policy and NASA strategic planning. The collection notably includes materials related to the...
Dates: 1990 - 2014

Mark K. Craig papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 81
Scope and Contents The Mark K. Craig papers document Purdue alumnus (BSAE 1971) Mark Craig's almost fifty year career in space exploration. Craig contributed to the Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Mars Rover Sample Return, and Lunar-Mars Exploration programs in positions progressing from co-op intern to NASA Assistant Administrator. The papers also reflect Craig’s work on space policy and NASA strategic planning. The collection notably includes materials related to the...
Dates: 1917 - 2016; Majority of material found within 1980 - 2000

Reference Material, 1917 - 2015

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 15
Scope and Contents The Reference Material captures a wide range of material from throughout Craig's career. The series contains eight sub-series.Some of the key items include: Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, and Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report; Post-Apollo Planning of the Space Task Group, September 1969; Apollo 11 Mission Report, prepared by Mission Evaluation Team, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, 1971; The Vision for Space Exploration,...
Dates: 1917 - 2015