Box 3
Contains 17 Results:
Space Shuttle Program, 1963 - 2015
Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1
Scope and Contents
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
1963 - 2015
Vehicle Concept Exploration and Definition, 1963 - 2000
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
1963 - 2000
Space Shuttle Synthesis Program (SSSP), Volume I, Part I, Engineering and Programming Discussion (w/mods) Final Report, Part 2 - Program Operating Instructions (w/mods) and Part 3 - Program Output (w/mods), General Dynamics, Report No. GDC-DBB70-002, Contract NAS 9-11193, 1970
File — Box: 3, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 1
Scope and Contents
Per Craig, this is a key document.
Aerospace Vehicle Synthesis Program, The Aerospace Corporation Report No. ATR-73(7313-01)-5, September 1972
File — Box: 3, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 2
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
September 1972
Summary Report No. MSC-01261, Weight Estimating and Forecasting of Manned Space Systems During Conceptual Design, Marietta Corporation, Denver, CO , November 1970
File — Box: 3, Folder: 4
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 4
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
November 1970
Marshall Space Flight Center, A Study on Optimal Trajectory Programming, by Rowland Burns, MTP-P&VE-F-63-2, January 2, 1963
File — Box: 3, Folder: 3
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 3
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
January 2, 1963
Current Inventory of Fluids and Propellants Table , undated
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 1
Scope and Contents
Original document.
Propulsion Parameters, January 16, 1973
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 2
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 2
Scope and Contents
Includes a handwritten outline. Original outline, per Craig.
January 16, 1973
Table, SSSP Common Block Allocation , undated
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 3
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 3
Scope and Contents
Original document.
Spreadsheets, undated
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 4
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 4
Scope and Contents
Original document.
Letter from Langley Research Center, RE: Correction to SSSP Program, To: Mark Craig, From: 152A/Aero-Space Technologist, Dynamic Analysis Section, Theoretical Mechanics Branch, FDCD (Timothy Rau), April 4, 1972
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 5
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 5
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
April 4, 1972
Document, Launch Vehicles and Launch Vehicle Interfaces, undated
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 6
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 6
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
Graphs, Tables , undated
Item — Box: 3, Folder: 5, Item: 7
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 5, Item 7
Scope and Contents
Original document, per Craig.
Report, Grumman Weight Control, No. WT-996R-106, February 16, 1970
File — Box: 3, Folder: 6
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 6
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
February 16, 1970
Report, Grumman Aerospace Corp., No. WT-996R-105, Earth Orbital Wing Weight Study, February 16, 1970
File — Box: 3, Folder: 7
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 7
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
February 16, 1970
General Formulation of the Iterative Guidance Mode, by I. E. Smith, NASA TM X-53414, March 22, 1966
File — Box: 3, Folder: 8
Identifier: MSA 81, Series 1, Sub-Series 3, Sub-Group 2, File 8
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series is divided into nine sub-series and follows the course of Craig's career.The key documents in this series are numerous, and it is advised that one refers to the detailed listing in the finding aid in order to understand the full extent of the work done.
Space Shuttle Missions Summary and Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight
March 22, 1966
Mark K. Craig papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 81
Scope and Contents
The Mark K. Craig papers document Purdue alumnus (BSAE 1971) Mark Craig's almost fifty year career in space exploration. Craig contributed to the Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Mars Rover Sample Return, and Lunar-Mars Exploration programs in positions progressing from co-op intern to NASA Assistant Administrator. The papers also reflect Craig’s work on space policy and NASA strategic planning. The collection notably includes materials related to the...
1917 - 2016; Majority of material found within 1980 - 2000