Box 67
Contains 5 Results:
Artifacts, 1978 - 2014
Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 193, Series 8
Scope and Contents
The artifacts series is comprised of the many awards, certificates, plaques, NASA service awards and tokens of appreciation presented to Leestma throughout his career. The awards range from one of his first; a plaque presented, "To Lt. Dave "Wiz" Leestma for achieving 1000 hours in the F-14 Tomcat," a Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, NASA Space Flight Medal, Certificate and Medallion - 1st Shuttle Flight Achievement Award, NASA Medal for...
1978 - 2014
Leestma NASA business cards, two small boxes, undated
Item — Box: 67, Item: 1
Identifier: MSP 193, Series 8, Item 1
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
The artifacts series is comprised of the many awards, certificates, plaques, NASA service awards and tokens of appreciation presented to Leestma throughout his career. The awards range from one of his first; a plaque presented, "To Lt. Dave "Wiz" Leestma for achieving 1000 hours in the F-14 Tomcat," a Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, NASA Space Flight Medal, Certificate and Medallion - 1st Shuttle Flight Achievement Award, NASA Medal for...
Acrylic pyramid, enclosed within, Space Shuttle Main Engine, High Pressure Fuel Turbopump Turbine Blade flown in Support of the Space Shuttle Program, STS-45, STS-51, STS-53, STS-60 )Orbits: 546; Miles 13,777,881, undated
Item — Box: 67, Item: 2
Identifier: MSP 193, Series 8, Item 2
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
The artifacts series is comprised of the many awards, certificates, plaques, NASA service awards and tokens of appreciation presented to Leestma throughout his career. The awards range from one of his first; a plaque presented, "To Lt. Dave "Wiz" Leestma for achieving 1000 hours in the F-14 Tomcat," a Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, NASA Space Flight Medal, Certificate and Medallion - 1st Shuttle Flight Achievement Award, NASA Medal for...
Saturn V pin, undated
Item — Box: 67, Item: 3
Identifier: MSP 193, Series 8, Item 3
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
The artifacts series is comprised of the many awards, certificates, plaques, NASA service awards and tokens of appreciation presented to Leestma throughout his career. The awards range from one of his first; a plaque presented, "To Lt. Dave "Wiz" Leestma for achieving 1000 hours in the F-14 Tomcat," a Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, NASA Space Flight Medal, Certificate and Medallion - 1st Shuttle Flight Achievement Award, NASA Medal for...
David C. Leestma papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 193
Scope and Contents
The David C. Leestma papers document his personal experience as an astronaut during the early years of the Space Shuttle program and as a NASA manager and director. Included are papers related to the three missions for which he served as a mission specialist; STS-41-G, STS-28, and STS-45. Leestma later served as manager and director at the Johnson Space Center's Astronaut Office, Flight Crew Operations Directorate, Advanced Planning Office and for initiatives such as the Space...
1969 - 2015; Majority of material found within 1982 - 1998