Box 44
Contains 14 Results:
NASA Administration, 1970 - 2015
Director, Flight Crew Operations Directorate, 1988 - 2006
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Safety Review Board Findings Briefed to the Johnson Space Center Director, and Correspondence and Memos in Regards to Equipment, Procedures and Personnel, 1993 - 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Safety Review Board findings briefed to the Johnson Space Center Director, July 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Documents, Johnson Space Center Safety Program; Aviation Safety Presentation; Safety on Russian Mir Space Station, Safety Meeting minutes, October 21, 1994 - May 3, 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory correspondence, November 30, 1993 - March 28, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Memos, correspondence, and documents, Space Station Support; Flight Crew Operations Participation in the ISSA Program; FCOD Position on Crew Support to the Space Station Program, March 2, 1993 - July 26, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Customer/MOST Team 1994 Goals; Crew Integration Office Standard Operating Procedures (SOP); Informal History of the Banana River Test; Space Shuttle In-Flight Health Care Reporting memo, November 1, 1993 - June 9, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Flight Crew Operations Directorate ISS Test and Verification Support Plan, June 24, 1996
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Correspondence and memos in regards to equipment, procedures and personnel, along with documents; "Long Duration Orbiter Operations," including handwritten notes, and “Interim Plan for Astronaut Appearances,” by Steven A. Hawley, March 15, 1993 - December 9, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Letter to President Bill Clinton, from Jose' Garcia, NASA/TV-ETD in regards to the safety of the Shuttle, post-Challenger disaster, August 25, 1995
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Correspondence and memos in regards to equipment, procedures and personnel, along with documents; Astronaut Office Summary of Accomplishments - 1995; "Key Points Related to Requirements for Refrigerators and Freezers Aboard the International Space Station;" "NASA/USAF Liaison Duties;" "Postflight Crew Recommendation Quarterly Status;" "Shuttle-Mir Lessons Learned: Psychology/Psychiatry", February 1995 - May 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) Project Performance/EA GFE Projects, by John Aaron, June 5, 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.