Box 43
Contains 23 Results:
NASA Administration, 1970 - 2015
Director, Flight Crew Operations Directorate, 1988 - 2006
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Memos, Policies, Documents, Meeting Minutes, Results, and Miscellaneous Items, 1992 - 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
NASA, Johnson Space Center, Flight Crew Standards Review, "Feasibility of Space Flight Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities," prepared by Space and Life Sciences Directorate and Flight Crew Operations Directorate, January 1993
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
"Spacelab Phaseout Option P-1," prepared by Dr. Harry Holloway, June 1, 1993
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Memos and policies, "Space Shuttle In-Flight Health Care and Reporting Policy, February 4, 1992;" "Guidelines for Approval of Medical Experiments During Space Flight, September 24, 1993;" "Space Shuttle Process Health, September 30, 1993;" "Resolution of the Bioethics Concerns and Positions of the Astronaut Office, circa 1995;" "Russian Chief Medical Commission, October 15, 1996;" "Policy Guidelines for Space Flight Medical Research and Experiments;" "Report, Meeting No. 3, NASA Bioethics Policy Task Force, March 9 - 10, 1995;" "Protection of Human Research Subjects, Effective" , August 8, 1995
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Memos and documents related to "Continuous Improvement Through Process Analysis and Change" , circa August 1992 - September 1993
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
NASA memo, Space Shuttle Manifest Supportability for Space Station Program (including Shuttle to Mir) , December 3, 1993
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Scientific Achievements of 10 Years of Spacelab: An Overview of the Missions, Marsha R. Torr, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (AIAA 94-0340), January 10 - 13, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Memos, "DSO-204 (Joint Earth Observations) on STS-60," From: Dr. Michael R. Helfert, Flight Science Branch/SN5, NASA, JSC, March 11, 1994; "Specifications & Standards - A New Way of Doing Business," June 29, 1994; "STS-66 Prelaunch Waiver to Flight Rule 4-64 for TAL Crosswind Limits," From: DA8/STS-66 Ascent Entry Flight Director, November 18, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Various memos, January 1995 - September 1995
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
NASA News Release, NASA to Pursue Non-Competitive Shuttle Contract with U.S. Alliance, November 7, 1995
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Issues/Actions from Program Management Plan (PMP) Meeting, December 15, 1995; Program Management Plan Working Session Minutes, January 3, 1996; Memo, Subject: Lead Center Assignment - Effective January 31, 1996, the Johnson Space Center is designated as the Lead Center for the Space Station and Shuttle programs" , February 2, 1996
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Space Shuttle Program Changes and Accomplishments Since 1986, NASA Office of Public Affairs, January 1986; United States General Accounting Office, Report to the Honorable James A. Hayes, House of Representatives, Space Shuttle: Need to Sustain Launch Risk Assessment Process Improvements, March 1996
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Orbiter Upgrade Issues and related documents, August 1996
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Space Shuttle Program Goals and Objectives, Flight Crew Operations Directorate, David C. Leestma, January 15, 1997
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Mission Specialist Training Aircraft reports, evaluations and results, April 13, 1993 - October 21, 1993
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Flight Crew Operations Aviation Council Meeting Minutes, June 14, 1994 and September 24, 1994
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Aircraft Simulator and Information Systems Contract; Benchmarking Overview; Purchase of Nonessential Items; Aircraft Maintenance and Modification Contract, November 1, 1994 - April 24, 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Flight Crew Support Office Options, correspondence and documents, September 1996; and DO7 correspondence and documents, September - October 1996
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.
Flight Projects Office presentation and hierarchy, July - September 1998
Includes a poster flowchart and handwritten notes.
International Space Station Basic Training memos and documents; ISS Construction memos and documents; Correspondence related to US/Russia Mir relations, April 11, 1995 - July 15, 1998
Leestma was responsible for Astronaut Office and for Johnson Space Center Aircraft Operations; 41 shuttle flights and seven MIR missions, and the selection of Astronaut Groups 15, 16, and 17. Due to the extensive nature of this sub-series, refer to the detailed item listing.