Box 1
Contains 6 Results:
Designcourse and Correspondence, editor, Al Gowan, 1969 - 1970
Includes Designcourse, Volume 1, no. 1, Spring, 1969; Volume 1, no. 2, Summer, 1969; Volume 1, no. 3, Fall, 1969. Also included is correspondence in regards to Gowan's publication; Designcourse, 1969 - 1970 (three items). [3 items]
Second Purdue seal design by Bruce Rogers, 1894
Image on front page of October 1894 Exponent, volume 6, no. 1.
Art Director Club of Indiana, 1967 - 1968
Brochure, includes a letter stating that Al Gowan had four poster entries eligible for professional awards.
Announcement for the Bruce Rogers Centennial Conference held on , May 8 - 9, 1970
Designed by Gowan, using Bruce Roger's Centaur type face.
Newspaper photograph. Medallion for Purdue Marker. Bedford Times, p. unknown, June 18, 1969
Image of the third design by Abby Phelps Lytle, The image was in use from , 1895 - 1909
Lytle was asked by the University Administration to design it, while she was head of the art department. Also includes a copy of the cover of the School of Pharmacy, Purdue University, Twelfth Annual Catalogue, 1895-96 and a copy of the Bulletin of Purdue University, Annual Catalogue, 1903 - 1904.