Box 9
Contains 22 Results:
VHS tape, Around Space: PanAero X-Prize Team (Host, Dr. Kent Miller, and Len Cormier), 2002
This sub-series contains design documents for PanAero’s submission for the $10 million X-Prize competition. The sub-series also contains a VHS tape and other documents relating to PanAero’s application for the X-Prize competition.
VHS tape, Panaero Bumble Bee, master, undated
This sub-series includes digital and physical documents and a VHS tape relating to PanAero Inc.
Report, Bridging Study Final Report for Vela Technology Development, Incorporated, September 29, 1997
This sub-series includes digital and physical documents and a VHS tape relating to PanAero Inc.
Report, Proposal to Supply Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Demonstrations in Response to NASA/Johnson Space Center Announcement COTS-01-01, submitted by, Len Cormier, President, PanAero, Incorported, March 3, 2006
This sub-series includes digital and physical documents and a VHS tape relating to PanAero Inc.
Document, A History of the American Aircraft Industry, undated
This sub-series includes digital and physical documents and a VHS tape relating to PanAero Inc.
Magazine, Geo, Volume 5, October 1983
Iincludes article, SPACE INC.: With imagination, nerve and enough money, anybody can put a rocket into space or try, segment about Cormier, pp. 58-59.
Magazine, Final Frontier, May/June 1992
Includes article, Countdown to Freedom: After years of wrangling with Congress, and several trips back to the drawing board, NASA finally begins building its space station, by Leonard David.
Magazine, Discover, July 2002
Include article, X-Prize: Does anyone hear Charles Lindbergh chuckling? by David E. Fisher and Marshall Jon Fisher, pp. 50-56.
Projects and Design documents
This series contains reports, research material, and design documents of aerospace projects that Cormier and his companies designed. There are also a few design documents of Cormier’s personal non-aeronautical projects.
Space Van Design Documents, 1982-2008
This sub-series contains research materials, reports, and design documents of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
Len Cormier's Aerospace Companies, 1983-2008
This series contains documents generated by or relating to Len Cormier’s aerospace companies.
PanAero, Inc, 1992-2008
This sub-series includes digital and physical documents and a VHS tape relating to PanAero Inc.
TranSpace, October, 1983
This sub-series contains a magazine article about Cormier’s TranSpace company.
Third Millennium Aerospace, Inc and Third Millennium Int'l LLC, 1984-2004
This sub-series contains business documents relating to Third Millennium Aerospace, Inc and its successor Third Millennium Int’l LLC.
X Prize
This sub-series contains design documents for PanAero’s submission for the $10 million X-Prize competition. The sub-series also contains a VHS tape and other documents relating to PanAero’s application for the X-Prize competition.
AIAA 2001-3962 Millennium Express, July 8-11, 2001
This series contains reports, research material, and design documents of aerospace projects that Cormier and his companies designed. There are also a few design documents of Cormier’s personal non-aeronautical projects.
The Space Van and its Potential Commercial Uses, December, 1982
This sub-series contains research materials, reports, and design documents of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
Commercial Space Transportation Committee, October 22-23, 1984
This sub-series contains business documents relating to Third Millennium Aerospace, Inc and its successor Third Millennium Int’l LLC.
Space Access Society Meeting: SpaceVan 2008, April 22-24, 2004
This sub-series contains research materials, reports, and design documents of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
Space Van 2011 Patent, April 21, 2005
This sub-series contains research materials, reports, and design documents of the different iterations of Cormier’s Space Van.
X Prize, 2002 - 2008
This sub-series contains design documents for PanAero’s submission for the $10 million X-Prize competition. The sub-series also contains a VHS tape and other documents relating to PanAero’s application for the X-Prize competition.
Len Cormier papers
The Len Cormier papers document Cormier's work as a commercial space flight pioneer. The majority of the papers include drawings, designs, blueprints, and papers related to engineer Cormier's work to design commercial reusable launch vehicles and other orbital vehicles. Types of materials include blueprints, business documents, CAD files, engineering designs, family documents, maps, a model (Space Van), papers, posters, research material, reports, topographical maps, and VHS tapes.