Box 22
Contains 21 Results:
Bound Space Transportation System Technical Manuals, 1982 - 1987
(Includes handwritten note, undated.)
NASA Publication, Orbiter Systems Training Manual OMS 2102, 1984
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklet (Report), Design Selection Methodology for the Main Chamber Assembly of LO2/LH2 Staged Combustion Engines, 1986
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklet, Titan III Propulsion Systems, 1988
(Two copies)
Booklet, Department of Dense, Soviet Military Power: An Assessment of the Threat , 1988
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Binder, Titan III, 1988
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklet, Department of Defense, Soviet Military Power: Prospects for Change , 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklet, Titan IV Propulsion Engineering, 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Binder, itan IV Propulsion Engineering, January 1989
(Photocopy of item #6.)
McDonnell Douglas Binder, Commercial Delta II Payload Planners Guide, 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Bound Material, Curtiss-Wright Control Components Data, circa 1980s
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Articles and notes about Rocketry and Robert C. Traux, 1983 - 1996
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Guide with Memorandum, Design Guide for Liquid Propellant Rocket Combustor Resonator (with attached memo), 1984
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
NASA Booklet, Contractor Report, Free-Jet Acoustic Investigation of High-Radius-Ratio Coannular Plug Nozzles, 1984
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Martin Marietta Booklet, A Nice Flying Machine, 1985
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Hercules Aerospace Company Booklet, Hercules Tactical Propulsion, 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Brochure, Pegasus Air-Launch Space Booster: An Affordable and Flexible Space Launch System, 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Articles, Papers, and Book Chapters by Purdue Faculty, 1980 - 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Articles, Papers, and Book Chapters by Others, 1980 - 1989
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Research and Writings, circa 1920s - 2000s
Series one is divided into four sub-series.
- Collaborative Research and Work
- Conferences, Presentations, and Publications
- Multimedia
- Research Materials
Research Materials, circa 1920s - 2000s
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.