Box 17
Contains 20 Results:
Report, Plug-Nozzle Program, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Binder, Bell Aerosystems Company, Titan II Storable Propellant Handbook, 1962
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
N.I. Melek-Pashayev, Liquid Propellant Engines, 1962
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
J. Grey and V. Grey, American Rocket Society Space Flight Report to the Nation, 1962
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Report, Storable Liquid Propellants Nitrogen Tetroxide/Aerozine 50, 1962
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Paul J. Weber, The Tape Recorder as an Instrumentation Device, 3rd Edition, 1963
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
H.B. Knoll, The Story of Purdue Engineering, 1963
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Photocopied "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Vessels", 1963
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Report, Selected Terminology and Data Applicable to Nuclear Propulsion and Space Travel with Special Reference to the NERVA Program, 1964
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Binder, Allison Division of General Motors Corporation, Operation, Maintenance and Overhaul Manual T63-A-5 GAS Turbine Engine, 1964
(Includes Allison diagram of "Compressor Flow Stability Rig," 1969.)
Bell Aerosystems Company Report, Titan II Storable Propellant Handbook, 1962
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklet, NASA Launch Vehicles of the National Launch Vehicle Program, 1963
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklets, Azusa Calibration Program Manual, 1963; LRO Equipment Qualification Status Sheet, 1964; 260-IN.-DIA Motor Feasibility Demonstration Program, Final Program Report, 1966
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Subject File, Military Spec. File, 1964
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Chemical Propulsion Information Agency Booklet, Static Test Safety Manual, 1965
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Control Data 1700 Computer System Manuals, 1965
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Military Specification for Fluid Lines and Fittings for Missiles and Related Ground Equipment, 1965
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Research and Writings, circa 1920s - 2000s
Series one is divided into four sub-series.
- Collaborative Research and Work
- Conferences, Presentations, and Publications
- Multimedia
- Research Materials
Research Materials, circa 1920s - 2000s
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.