Box 16
Contains 23 Results:
Proposal for Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Unconventional Nozzle Designs, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Summary of Plug Nozzle Investigation, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Small ICBM System Engine and Vehicle Design Data, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Design Study of a Large Unconventional Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine and Vehicle, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Air Force Technical Manual, General Safety Procedures for Chemical Guided Missile Propellants, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Aerodynamic Thrust Vector Control for Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Application of Aerodynamic Thrust Vector Control in Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Proposal for Plug Segment Research Program, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Unconventional Nozzle Designs, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Subject File, Plug Nozzle Material (from envelope marked "Victor Ransom", memoranda, diagrams, and miscellaneous material , circa 1958 - 2008
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Subject File, Images and Newsletters, concerning Rocket Engines, circa 1950s - 1970s
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
NASA Technical Note, Propellant Vaporization as a Criterion for Rocket-Engine Design, 1960; Technical Report, "Propellant Vaporization as a Design Criterion for Rocket-Engine Combustion Chambers", 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Booklets, Very Large Rocket Engines: Combustion Instability In A Rocket Chamber With Rectangular Section, 1960; Small Plug Nozzle Engine: Engine Weights and Parameter Optimizations, 1960; Plug Nozzle Program: Tasks I and II Final Report, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Plug Nozzle Program: Quarterly Report No. 1, 1960; Plug Nozzle Program: Quarterly Report No. 2, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Plug Nozzle Program: Contract NASw40, Supporting Task, Final Report, 1960; Quarterly Report No. 2: Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Unconventional Nozzle Designs, 1960
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Report No. LRP 178 Physical Properties of Liquid Propellants, 1960; Report, Research and Development Capabilities and Interests, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
NASA Proceedings, Conference on Results of the First U.S. Manned Suborbital Space Flight, 1961; Technical Note “Performance of Small (100-LB Thrust) Rocket Motors Using Coaxial Injection of Hydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Plug Nozzle Segment Testing: Using Liquid Hydrogen-Liquid Oxygen, 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Astronautics, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1961
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Research Memoranda, circa 1961 - 1984
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.
Research and Writings, circa 1920s - 2000s
Series one is divided into four sub-series.
- Collaborative Research and Work
- Conferences, Presentations, and Publications
- Multimedia
- Research Materials
Research Materials, circa 1920s - 2000s
Sub-series four consists of books and booklets, as well as binders containing various reference materials, used in Ehresman's research.