Box 1
Contains 58 Results:
Years Before Purdue, 1933 - 1935
Included in the series are photographs from the 1933-34 World's Fair, High School diploma and clippings, Mount Vernon High School, and material related to the 1937 flood.
"A Century of Progress," Chicago's World Fair, 1933-1934 (2 pages, includes various photographs from event), 1933 - 1934
(Two pages, includes various photographs from event.)
High School diploma and clippings, Mount Vernon High School, 1935
Two pages in scrapbook.
Ice Gorge in the Ohio River, 1936 (4 pages, includes photographs and clippings, section marked, “Wreckage and Damage”), 1936
(Four pages, includes photographs and clippings, section marked, "Wreckage and Damage.")
Flood of, 1937
(Seven pages, includes photographs, clippings and a souvenir brochure, issued by the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Evansville, IN.)
Purdue University, 1936 - 1939
Items among the Purdue University series are a cover page with photographs of Keck in senior cords and derby, Electrical Engineering building and Memorial Union. Along with items related to Eta Kappa Nu Association, Electrical Engineering honorary and Tau Beta Pi, All Engineering Honorary.
Programs from convocations; symphonies, operas, Purdue University Annual Open House, 1938, and a "sample facsimile of radio printing" obtained at open house in 1939, 1938 - 1939
(Includes seven pages in scrapbook.)
Souvenirs of Inspection Trip to Chicago, and City of Denver Streamliner, 1938
(Includes one page.)
Eta Kappa Nu Association, Electrical Engineering honorary , 1937 - 1938
(Two pages, includes certificate of membership, December 8, 1937; program from fall initiation, December 9, 1937; and program from Scabbard & Blade spring initiation, April 14, 1938 and photographs of Keck.)
Tau Beta Pi, All Engineering Honorary , 1938 - 1939
(Two pages, includes certificate of membership, May 26, 1938; programs from 1938 and 1939 banquets; and pictures from picnic, 1939.)
Around Purdue University Campus, 1936 - 1937
Series three includes photographs from around campus; Hovde Hall, Airport Hangar, Campus from top of Fieldhouse, Ross-Ade Stadium, Homecoming, seniors, along with ephemera during the 1936-37 time period. Also found here are photographs of construction on campus at this time; Fieldhouse and Gymnasium, Hall of Music basement, Union addition, including bowling alley, "Chem & MET," and "M.E. & E.E." Lastly, there is a photogrpah of Amelia Earhart at Purdue, 1937.
Under Construction - Bridge Across Wabash, 1936
(One page in scrapbook.)
At the Airport, circa 1937
(One pages)
Amelia Earhart at Purdue, 1937
(One page)
"On Campus," - Hovde Hall, Airport Hangar, Campus from top of Fieldhouse, Ross-Ade Stadium, circa 1937
(One page)
Fieldhouse and Gymnasium - Under Construction, 1937
(Two pages)
Construction on Campus, Hall of Music basement; Union addition, including bowling alley; "Chem & MET;" "M.E. & E.E. buildings", circa 1937
(One page)
Various people, 1937 - 1938
(Two pages)
"Home at Purdue" , 1937
(One page, includes photographs of room and three football tickets.)
Seniors, 1938
(One page)
Homecoming, 1938
(One page, includes football program and photos of decorated houses.)
"Purdue Keeps the Bucket for '39" , 1939
(One page, includes Purdue vs. IU football program, ticket and photographs of field during game.)
ROTC, circa 1937 - 1939
The R.O.T.C. series contains photogrpahs related to Keck's R.O.T.C. activities, including training, R.O.T.C. Cadet Officers Class of '39 photograph and staff photo, 2nd Battalion, his certificate, Field Artillery Reserve Officers Training, Keck appointed Cadet Colonel, "Battery 'B'," group photograph with namesand photographs of Purdue's Tri-motor and Army plane at airport, 1939.
National Inspection of R.O.T.C., 1937
(One page of photographs.)
At Camp at Fort Knox, R.O.T.C. - 6 week camp, 1938
(One page, photographs)