Communal collections box 30
Contains 37 Results:
Edwin Butterworth Mains publications
The collections consists of one folder which contains articles and publications by E. B. Mains.
Ernest G. Martin papers
The Ernest Martin papers, consists of three folders containing articles by Ernest Gale Martin.
Thomas E. Mason papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Thomas Mason.
Frank P. Mathews papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Frank Mathews, B.S., D.V.M. All of the articles were published in 1929.
Charles P. Matthews papers
The collection consists of articles and reports by Charles Matthews and an announcement and program from his memorial service.
T. F. Mason review
The collection consists of one folder, which contains a review by T. F. Mason.
George E. Martin papers
The collection consists of one folder which contains a highway bulletin by George E. Martin.
Larnard "Lon" Mann collection
The collection consists of one folder, which contains an article about Lon Mann.
Marguerite G. Mallon papers
One folder containing multiple articles authored or co-authored by Marguerite Mallon.
William Marshall papers
Howard E. Smith class ring
Howard E. Smith's gold 1906 class ring is embellished with College of Science and Purdue University insignias.
Articles and Publications, 1917 - 1926
Articles, 1904
The Ernest Martin papers, consists of three folders containing articles by Ernest Gale Martin.
The Rise of the Present Conceptions as to the Cause of the Heart-Beat, I. Early Ideas, and the Neurogenic Theory, Part II. The Myogenic Theory, and Modern Studies of Rhythmicity, Martin, E. G. From the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, vol. XVI, nos. 175-176, October-November, 1905
The Ernest Martin papers, consists of three folders containing articles by Ernest Gale Martin.
Articles, 1904-1906
The Ernest Martin papers, consists of three folders containing articles by Ernest Gale Martin.
Articles, 1911 - 1921
The collection consists of one folder which contains articles by Thomas Mason.
Articles, 1929
Articles and Reports, 1896 - 1898
Report, 1900
Report of the Committee for Investigating the Photometric Values of Arc Lamps, Matthews, C. P., Photometrist for the Committee. Read before the National Electric Light Association at its twenty-third convention, held at Chicago, Illinois, May 22, 23 and 24, 1900.
Report and Article, 1900 - 1901
Report of the Committee on Arc-Light Photometry of the National Electric Light Association, Matthews, C. P., Photometrist for the Committee. (No other publication information available.)
An Improved Apparatus for Arc-Light Photometry, Matthews, Charles P. (No other publication information available.)
Reports, Articles and Memorial Information, 1901 - 1907
Review, 1933
Report of the Committee on College and University Teaching of the American Association of University Professors, A review by T. F. Mason, Professor of Mathematics, Purdue University. Read before the Purdue Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, December 5, 1933. Mimeographed and circulated to the Faculty through the Division of Educational Reference, January 24, 1934.
Bulletin, 1915
Maintenance of Indiana Highways, Martin, George E. Highway Bulletin no. 1, vol. 1, April, 1915. Publications of the Engineering Departments, Purdue University.
Purdue Personalities: busy people about the campus you will be pleased to read about, Purdue Alumnus, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 2. [no author available], February 1931
The collection consists of one folder, which contains an article about Lon Mann.