Box 50
Contains 81 Results:
Gold Dollar Award, presented to Bridges by the Kennedy Space Center Staff , 1999
Note per Bridges, "I presented many of these as my personal award to workers down in the trenches of KSC so this was done in recognition of those events during my tenure."
Flown CLCS pin and certificate, STS-93, July 23 - 27, 1999
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Certificate, 35 Year Service Award, February 11, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Articles on George Abbey Being relieved as Center Director of Johnson Space Center, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
NASA news release regarding Roy Bridges being awarded the Debus Award, and various related congratulatory letters, April 9, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
NASA News Release regarding Roy Bridges being awarded an honorary doctorate by Purdue University, May 14, 2000
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Program, NASA Honor Awards Ceremony and accompanying photograph of Bridges with NASA Administrator Dan Goldin and Associate Deputy Administrator Dan Mulville being presented the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, June 21, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Bridges' notes from a meeting with Dan Goldin at breakfast in Cocoa Beach, FL on July 14, 2001 regarding his desire to have Bridges take the Center Director's position at the Johnson Space Center following George Abbey's removal, July 14, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Notes Bridges used to eventually respond to Dan Goldin after formerly being offered the position and interviewing with OMB and others. Bridges declined to take the position, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Letter to Bridges from Dan Goldin upon his departure as NASA Administrator, and accompanying Certificate and flown US flag, November 15, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Clipping, Aviation Week, in regards to rumors of people to be reassigned, August 19, 2002
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Email from Bridges to Bill Readdy (OSF Leadership Actions) regarding Bridges' background, family information and future desires as Readdy took charge of the Space Flight programs from Joe Rothenberg, August 2002
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
NASA Space Flight cover postmarked on date of launch presented to Bridges, October 11, 2002
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Photograph of Bridges with Ravi Margasahayam, NASA employee and co-organizer of a Symposium on Sound and Vibration with UCF, July 2002
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Various photographs of Bridges with James I. Jennings, Kennedy Space Center Deputy Director - Bridges speaking and receiving a plaque at the 2001 African American History Month Luncheon at KSC, 2001
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Email cover to an article for the Astronaut Memorial Foundation Newsletter with comments by Bridges, July 23, 2002
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Bridges' remarks to Melbourne District, United Methodist Church District Dinner for Scouting, January 30, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Bridges' remarks to the KSC workforce on the loss of Columbia, February 3, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Bridges' remarks at a memorial service for the crew of Columbia at Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, February 8, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Program for STS-107 memorial service at Johnson Space Center, February 4, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
List of participants for the STS-107 Memorial at Kennedy Space Center, February 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Articles by former astronaut Walt Cunningham, undated
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Program and Bridges' remarks at the Florida Institute of Technology graduation (Bridges was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science.), May 3, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.
Program for the Columbia Reconstruction Hangar walk through Kennedy Space Center, July 2003
Note per Bridges, "We took the workforce through the hangar to help with closure."
Comments made by Bridges to Kennedy Space Center workforce on the announcement that he would be departing KSC to be the Center Director at Langley Research Center, June 26, 2003
Black binder with various mementos, photographs, and articles of Bridges' service at Kennedy Space Center Florida from March 1997 - August 2003.