Box 49
Contains 64 Results:
NASA, 1950 - 2009, bulk: 1980 - 2009
The sub-series is comprised of six sub-groups with a scope note for each at the sub-group level.
Astronaut Career, 1978 - 2006
Director, John F. Kennedy Space Center, 1950 - 2006
Career Scrapbooks, 1950 - 2009
Air Force, 1965 - 2003
The sub-series is comprised of six sub-groups with a scope note for each at the sub-group level. The contents of each page within the binders is listed in the finding aid. If Bridges provided a comment about the contents, this is noted in the finding aid too.
Commander, 6510th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base, California, May 1986 - March 1989
This file (binder) represents a time of transition in Bridges' career from NASA back to the Air Force. Some items may appear in Series 4, Sub-Series 1, Sub-Group 3, indicative of his position in the Air Force as Commander, 6510th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Other items may be in Series 4, Sub-Series 2, Sub-Group 1, which has items from his NASA astronaut career.
Email announcing Langley bonuses, September 2004
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email from Bridges' boss, Vic Lebacqz, announcing his selection by the Agency for a Presidential Rank Award (Distinguished—highest award), January 20, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Letters from American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics announcing that Bridges was selected for the grade of Associate Fellow, January 28, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email from Mike Leinbach, Shuttle Launch Director at KSC, summarizing the Shuttle launches during Bridges’ tenure at KSC to support his nomination for the Presidential Rank Award, January 6, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Nomination Form for the Presidential Rank Award, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email from Vic Lebacqz announcing Bridges’ selection for the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, April 5, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Personal memo to NASA Deputy Administrator, Fred Gregory, regarding his Congressional Testimony and his reply, May 2, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email from Vic Lebacqz thanking the Langley team for the excellent job of the SATS Program Demo in Danville, VA, June 8, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email from Vic Lebacqz announcing the house cleaning by the new NASA Administrator removing most all of the SES’s from the HQ ("and eventually from the Centers to put his personally selected team in place"), June 14, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
An email exchange between Vic Lebacqz and Bridges regarding his departure as Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research, June 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email exchange between the NASA Administrator and Bridges with regard to his recent visit to Langley where he was briefed on some severe budget issues imposed by the prior Administration, June 24, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email exchanges between Bridges and Vic Lebacqz regarding briefings to the HQ staff on looming budget issues at the Centers that would likely cause a formal RIF of civil servants because of the budget cuts to the Aero Research Programs at Langley (Other email exchanges from July enclosed as well for background.), August 15, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
NASA Performance Appraisal, 2004 - 2005
Note per Bridges, "Downgraded by the HQ from Outstanding to Highly Successful because of the budget crisis and my eventual successful work with the staff to correct the problems—the staff of the Administrator were intimidated by me and described me as confrontational over these issues—see next item below for more."
Email and telecom (notes) between Vic Lebacqz and Bridges regarding the downgrading of Bridges’ performance appraisal and that of others in the Aero Research Centers, August 3, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Letter from American Society for Engineering Management announcing Bridges’ selection as the Engineering Manager of the Year, July 26, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Email exchange between Bridges and NASA HQ with regard to inaccurate minutes of the Senior Management Council and decisions announced at the meeting by the Administrator that would have a profound effect on Langley with regard to the budget crisis, August 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Aviation Week article on "Missing the Boat," with regard to NASA's decision to cancel most of the life sciences research on the International Space Station, something that “Bridges opposed in budget meetings even though it didn’t affect Langley, but would have a profound effect on the success of the ISS as a National Laboratory and on the solutions that were needed to proceed with long duration human space flights to Mars” , December 5, 2005
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Speaking notes for Bridges' announcement to the Langley Senior Staff that he planned to retire from the Agency in January 2006, September 16, 2005, 2005 - 2006
Included in this file (binder) are performance appraisals and backup material during tenure as John F. Kennedy Space Center Director, along with items from time as Director of Langley Research Center, including items related to Bridges' retirement from NASA.
Newspaper clippings announcing Bridges' retirement and the appointment of his Deputy, Lesa Roe, as the new Langley Center Director , September 17, 2005
Note, per Bridges, "When I learned that Lesa would be named as the new Center Director, I agreed to step aside into a HQ staff position immediately to allow an orderly transition and avoid being a lame duck Center Director"