Box 45
Contains 16 Results:
Science in orbit: The shuttle & spacelab experience: 1981-1986. Huntsville, Alabama: Marshall Space Flight Center., 1988
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Fisk, L. A. Subcommittee on space science and applications, Committee on science, space and technology - Earth observing system. 101st Congress, 1990
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Fries, S. D. NASA engineers and the age of Apollo. (NASA SP-4104). Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Program., 1992
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Weingarten, J. Acquisition reform of aeronautical procurement. Dayton, Ohio: Huffman-Wright Institute for Aerospace Research., 1993
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
NASA. Spinoff 2008: 50 years of NASA-derived technologies (1958-2008). Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters., 2008
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Hansen, J. Spaceflight revolution: NASA Langley Research Center from Sputnik to Apollo. (NASA SP-4308). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office., 1995
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Phillips, W. H. Journey in aeronautical research: A career at NASA Langley Research Center. Washington, DC: NASA History Office, Office of Policy and Plans, NASA Headquarters., 1995
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Chambers, M. A. From research to relevance: significant achievements in aeronautical research at Langley Research Center (1917-2002). (NP-2003-01-28-LaRC). Hampton, Virginia: Langley Research Center., 2003
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
NASA. Spinoff 2002: Fortieth anniversary technology utilization program. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office., 2002
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
NASA. Spinoff 2003: 100 years of powered flight. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2003
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
NASA. 2003 Langley Research Center atmospheric sciences annual report. Hampton, Virginia: NASA Langley Research Center., 2003
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Seamans, Jr., R. C. Project Apollo: The tough decisions. (NASA SP-2005-4537). Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of External Relations, History Division., 2005
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
Technology Innovation, NASA's Magazine for Business & Technology, “Sustainability,” Volume 15, Number 1, Washington, DC: Innovative Partnerships Program., 2009
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.
NASA Career, 1978 - 2011
NASA Publications, 1978 - 2009
The last NASA Career sub-series contains the NASA publications/technical reports which Bridges' had among his papers.