Box 1
Contains 118 Results:
Richards, William A. "Mystical and Archetypal Experiences of Terminal Patients in DPT-Assisted Psychotherapy." Journal of Religion and Health 17, no. 2 , 1978
Reprint. This article is available electronically in the database JSTOR.
Richards, William A., John C. Rhead, Francesco B. DiLeo, et al. "The Peak Experience Variable in DPT-Assisted Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients." Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 9, no. 1, January - March 1977
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database JSTOR.
Richards, William A., John C. Rhead, Stanislav Grof, et al. "DPT as an Adjunct in Brief Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients." Omega 10, no. 1, 1979
Shulgin, Alexander T. and Michael F. Carter. "N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (DIPT) and 5-Methoxy-N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (5-MEO-DIPT). Two Orally Active Tryptamine Analogs with CNS Activity." Communications in Psychopharmacology 4, 1980
Reprint. Brief marginalia in "References" section.
Smith, Terence A. "Tryptamine and Related Compounds in Plants." Phytochemistry 16, no.2 , 1977
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Elsevier SD Backfile Complete.
Strassman, Rick J. "Human Hallucinogenic Drug Research in the United States: A Present-day Case History and Review of the Process." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 23, no. 1, January - March 1991
Torres, Constantino Manuel. "Snuff Trails of Atacama: Psychedelics and Iconography in Prehispanic San Pedro de Atacama." Integration, Journal for Mind-Moving Plants and Culture, no. 4, 1993
Torres, Constantino Manuel, David B. Repke, Kelvin Chan, et al. "Snuff Powders from Pre-Hispanic San Pedro de Atacama: Chemical and Contextual Analysis." Current Anthropology 32, no. 5, December 1991
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database/JSTOR Arts and Sciences.
Wassén, S. Henry and Bo Holmstedt. "The Use of Paricá, an Ethnological and Pharmacological Review." Ethnos 1, 1963
Photocopy. Ink dots on pages throughout second half of document.
Drug Politics, Spring 1988 - Summer 1998
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "America’s Drug Problem." The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bulletin 45, no. 3, December 1991
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database JSTOR.
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "Beyond Drug Prohibition: Evaluating the Alternatives." In Searching for Alternatives: Drug-Control Policy in the United States, edited by Melvyn B. Krauss and Edward P. Lazear, 241-250. Hoover Institution Press, 1991
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "The Case for Legalization." The Public Interest, no. 92, Summer 1988
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database ProQuest Research Library.
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "Commonsense Drug Policy." Foreign Affairs, January - February 1998
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database Wilson OmniFile FT Mega.
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "Drug Prohibition in the United States: Costs, Consequences, and Alternatives." Science 245, September 1989
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database ProQuest Research Library.
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "A Rational Approach to Drug Legalization." American Journal of Ethics and Medicine, Spring 1991
Nadelmann, Ethan A. “Thinking Seriously About Alternatives to Drug Prohibition.” Daedalus 121, no. 3 , Summer 1992
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database ProQuest Research Library.
Nadelmann, Ethan A. "U.S. Drug Policy: A Bad Report." Foreign Policy, no. 70 , Spring 1988
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database ProQuest Research Library.
Nadelmann, Ethan A., Mark A.R. Kleiman, Felton J. Earls. "Should Some Illegal Drugs Be Legalized?" Issues in Science and Technology 6, no. 4 , Summer 1990
Photocopy. This article is available electronically in the database MasterFILE Premier.
General Pharmacology of Hallucinogens and Psychological Studies, 1968 - 2002
Borsutzky, M., T. Passie, W. Paetzold, et al. "Hawaiianische Holzrose: (Psycho-) Pharmakologische Wirkungen der Samen der Argyreia nervosa." Nervenartzt 73 , 2002
Photocopy. In German. This article is available electronically in the database Springer Complete Collection.
Bunce, Richard. "Social and Political Sources of Drug Effects: The Case of Bad Trips on Psychedelics." Journal of Drug Issues, Spring 1979
Reprint. Ink underlining throughout.
Grob, Charles S. "Psychiatric Research with Hallucinogens: What Have We Learned?" Yearbook for Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness 3, 1994
Photocopy. Offprint from an earlier book. Offprint is dated from 1996.
Holland, Doris. "Flashback-Phänomene als Nachwirkung von Halluzinogeneinnahme: Eine kritische Untersuchung zu geschichtlichen, phänomenologischen, klinischen und ätiologischen Aspekten." Dissertation, Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, 2001
Photocopy. Front page has brief note in margin. In German.
Jacobs, Barry L. "Postsynaptic Serotonergic Action of Hallucinogens." In Hallucinogens: Neurochemical, Behavioral, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Barry L. Jacobs, 183-202. New York: Raven Press, 1984