Box 07
Contains 18 Results:
Elmer F. Kern, Jr. papers
Kern family materials, 1940 - 1945
This series includes general miscellaneous items that belonged to the family.
General Miscellaneous Items , 1941 - 1945
Materials consist of items that could have been belonged to any member of the family such as receipts and a letter from the National Automobile Club.
Ruth's Miscellaneous Items, 1937 - 1945
These materials are miscellaneous items with Elmer's sister's, Ruth, name on them which consist of a report card from Proviso Township High School, a S.S. data form, and an agreement between Singer Sewing Machine Company and Ruth for employment.
Photographs, 1940 - 1945
Materials include several photographs of Kern as a student at Purdue and while he was active in the United States Army Air Force. Also included are potraits of Kern and one of his sister, Ruth. Lieutenant Schalliol also sent photographs of places they have been, their camp, as well as him and his wife to the family after Kern's death, which is included.
Purdue related materials, 1940 - 1945
Military related materials, 1943 - 1945
Newspapers and newspaper clippings
This series consists of newspapers from either Purdue publications such as Purdue Exponent and The Yellow Dog or other publications such as The Chicago Daily News and The Stars and Stripes. Also included are various newspapers clippings are included about Kern, more specifically about his death in the war. Some have the following titles; "Named Fildom's Best for 1941", and "When" by Charles T Holman as well as one with photographs of "As British Took Over an Ancient Syrain City".
As a student at Purdue University, 1940 - 1943
Materials include candid photographs of members in the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and Delta Gamma sorority.
Military, 1943 - 1945
Photographs are from Kern's time in the military which include photographs of him in uniform in numerous different places as well as a couple of group photos featuring the Officer Candidate Class No. 94 in 1943. Also included are photographs sent from Lieutenant Willis Schalliol to the Kern family featuring Schalliol and his wife as well as landscape photographs of places they were at overseas.
Portraits of Kern
Photographs include several portraits of Kern throughout his life as well as one portrait of his sister, Ruth.
Purdue Magazines, 1942 - 1945
Materials include an issue of "PMO Notes" dated December 1944 (Purdue Musical Organizations) and numerous issues of the "Purdue Alumnus". Also included is "Purdue vs. Indiana Official Program and Athletic Review" for November 21, 1942.
Class materials, 1940 - 1943
Materials include papers and items from his classes at Purdue such as “Elements of Casting and Welding for Students in General Engineering 34 at Purdue University” by C.T. Marek and R.W. Lindley, a term paper, and grade reports.
Student Life , 1940 - 1943
Materials consist of items that Kern gathered as a student at Purdue which include a student ticket for a basketball game, bookmarks, an "University Handbook" for 1940-1941, a "Purdue Memorial Union Building" brochure, a "Harem Scarem or The Sultan is a Lady" presented by Purdue Dads' and Mothers' Association program, a final exam schedule for engineering freshmen for 1939-1940, several brouchures for redsidence halls, and a poster for a Purdue Orchestra event.
Commencement, 1943
Materials included are for the 1943 August Commencement which consist of a commencement program booklet and list of candidates for graduation.
Various Newspaper Clippings, 1943 - 1945
This series consists of newspapers from either Purdue publications such as Purdue Exponent and The Yellow Dog or other publications such as The Chicago Daily News and The Stars and Stripes. Also included are various newspapers clippings are included about Kern, more specifically about his death in the war. Some have the following titles; "Named Fildom's Best for 1941", and "When" by Charles T Holman as well as one with photographs of "As British Took Over an Ancient Syrain City".
Maps of Kern's final mission, April 1-4, 1945
These are maps representing the three phases of the mission that Kern was killed in. It has the misson objectives listed as well as known enemy installations plotted on the map. On the second phase, a marking was made to show where Kern was shot down and where his crash occurred in the phase called "Closing the Rhur Pocket".