Box 1
Contains 12 Results:
Personal and Professional Documents, 1967 - 2009, bulk: 1998 - 2009
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
Craft Items, undated
This series includes a sewn duck and chicken, craft items Sharon created as one of her hobbies. There are also items and clippings that inspired Byrkett in her crafts.
Unpublished Manuscript, "Understanding My Disability", 1983
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
Journal, 1967
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
Photographs, 1980 - 2009
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
Correspondence, 1973 - 2009
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
Paper Awards, Certificates, and Honors , 1985 - 2009
This series consists of a number of plaques and awards/certificates Sharon Byrkett received in recognition of her education and advocacy for disibility awareness, one awarded posthumously.
Feasibility Study for Living Unlimited Villa, Lafayette, Indiana, May 15, 1980
This series includes manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other personal documents of Byrkett's. Digital files include documents with the topics of muscular dystrophy, disability awareness, advocacy, Race for the Cure, and newsletters for the Governor Planning Council (GPC) for Peoeple with Disabilities and Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (IN-APSE).
List of Awards, undated
This series consists of a number of plaques and awards/certificates Sharon Byrkett received in recognition of her education and advocacy for disibility awareness, one awarded posthumously.
Craft supplies, undated
This series includes a sewn duck and chicken, craft items Sharon created as one of her hobbies. There are also items and clippings that inspired Byrkett in her crafts.
Awards, Certificates, and Honors, 1984 - 2010
This series consists of a number of plaques and awards/certificates Sharon Byrkett received in recognition of her education and advocacy for disibility awareness, one awarded posthumously.