Box 169
Contains 24 Results:
Speeches, Writings, Manuscripts for Review, and Notebooks, 1958 - 2012
Speeches, 1967 - 2012
Alphabetical by Business/Organization/Event, 1967 - 1999
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[United Nations Ambassadors Dinner], September 22, 1982
Speeches [U-V] Binder.
[United Way, Kings Island], September 4, 1984
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[University of Cincinnati Engineering Alumni Association], April 20, 1979
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[University of Cincinnati, Business School], April 20, 1974
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Vacaville Rotary Fly-In, Vacaville, CA], June 3, 1982
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Visa – San Juan], May 14, 1986
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Wang Customer Engineering, Nashua, NH], March 21, 1982
Speeches [W-Z] Binder.
[Warren Co. Hist. Soc. Bicentennial Prayer Brkf.], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Washington Award, Chicago, IL], February 19, 1980
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Washington Bar Association, Spokane, Washington], September 16, 1976
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Western Reserve Historical Society- Aviation Hall of Fame], September 2, 1983
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[175th Anniversary of the Western Star at Kings Island, OH], February 13, 1982
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Westinghouse, Hilton Head], April 21, 1975
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[White Farm Equipment, Phoenix, Arizona], January 18, 1985
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Wichita Town Talk], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Wings Club, N.Y.C.], May 1988
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[The Blue Planet at the World Wildlife Fund, London, England], November 18, 1970
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[X-30 Tech Mat, Monterrey, CA], February 16, 1988
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Yorktown Bicentennial, Cincinnati, Ohio], October 17, 1981
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Young Presidents Org. Vancouver, B.C.], September 19, 1978
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.