Box 166
Contains 30 Results:
Speeches, Writings, Manuscripts for Review, and Notebooks, 1958 - 2012
Speeches, 1967 - 2012
Alphabetical by Business/Organization/Event, 1967 - 1999
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
Unfiled speeches from the front of binder labeled [M-O], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association; Arlington, Virginia, November 10, 1997
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
FAA; Clermont County, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 17, 1993
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
NBAA; Houston, Texas, October 31, 1991
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
BOILER draft; National Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, circa 1993
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
Harry B. Combs Enshrined into the National Aviation Hall of Fame; Lakeland Linder Airport, Florida, July 20, 1987
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
Boeing Award Ceremony, invited by Harry Stonecipher, undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Major Market Radio, Buena Vista, FL], February 10, 1989
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Management Seminar, Univ. of Cincinnati], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Masonite, Costa Mesa, Calif.], November 16, 1976
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[McMicken Society, Univ. of Cincinnati], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Merck. Finck, Dusseldorf], April 24, 1990
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[M8OE Milwaukee], September 14, 1990
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Missouri Teachers], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Motorola Service, Florida], undated
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Motoroala], June 15, 1972
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[MSD Agvet, South Africa], February 1983
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[National Governor’s Conf., Cincinnati], July 22, 1968
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[National Veteran’s Day, Birmingham, Alam], November 10, 1976
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[National War College, Wash. D.C.], April 1, 1971
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
[Nature Conservancy, Cincinnati], September 22, 1979
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.
NCR, Mexico City], April 21, 1986
The subseries begins with eight boxes containing early speeches arranged in binders labeled [A]-[Z] in which speeches are arranged alphabetically according to Armstrong'’s stated audience. Typical of this arrangement is a business/institute/university, followed by the city or country and a date.