Box 29
Contains 5 Results:
Photos of Geddes Teaching at Baylor, 1968
This sub-series contains notes and overhead projector sheets for lectures Leslie Geddes gave to his classes.
Biomedical Engineering Seminar Course Evaluations, 1998
This sub-series contains notes and overhead projector sheets for lectures Leslie Geddes gave to his classes.
Laboratory Manual for The Measurement of Physiological Events
This sub-series contains notes and overhead projector sheets for lectures Leslie Geddes gave to his classes.
Leslie Geddes, 1921 - 2012
The series on Leslie Geddes contains the project files that relate to his research, grants, and patents; the lecture materials he used while teaching at Baylor and Purdue; his publications and manuscripts; awards and honors that he received; his personal library, kilt, professional portrait, correspondence, and other personal documents; and posthumous tributes.
Teaching, 1960 - 2006
This sub-series contains notes and overhead projector sheets for lectures Leslie Geddes gave to his classes.