Box 15
Contains 31 Results:
NASA Publications and Press Kits, 1967 - 1999
NASA Brochures, Information Sheets, Pamphlets, and Miscellaneous Items, 1973 - 1999
NASA Brochures, Information Sheets, Pamphlets and Miscellaneous Items, circa 1999
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Space product development: Space for business to grow, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama: NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1999
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Bookmark, STS-93, Deployment of Chandra Observatory, Eileen Collins, Colonel USAF, 1st Female Mission Commander, includes a piece payload bay liner flown on Columbia STS-93, 1999
(Many items in the box are undated.)
United States, NASA. SPACELAB – MIR. Washington, DC: NASA, circa 1990s
(Many items in the box are undated.)
United States, NASA. EASE/ACCESS: Framework for the future. Washington, DC: NASA, circa 1990s
(Many items in the box are undated.)
NASA Space Commercialization, Space Product Development: The sky is no longer the limit… NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, 2001
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Contact sheet, Space product development: Space for business to grow – partnering with industry for out of this world results, Washington, DC: NASA, 2001 - 2002
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Powers, C.B., Nall, M., Casas, J.C. Benefits awareness: Educating industry, finance, and the public about space commercialization: 23rd international symposium on space technology and science, Matsue, Japan, May 26-June 2, 2002. Omiya, Japan: Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences and Organizing Committee of the 23rd ISTS, 2002
(Many items in the box are undated.)
NASA Code U: Office of Biological and Physical Research: Commercial Space Centers, In-Reach Briefing, May 7, 2002. Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters, 2002
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Pamphlet, NASA space science: A search for knowledge. Huntsville, AL: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Walker, S.E. (ed.). Centers for the Commercial Development of Space. Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters, Office of Commercial Programs, undated
(Includes additional Commercial Space publications.)
Advanced automated directional solidification furnace, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL: NASA, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Automated directional solidification furnace (ADSF): A space shuttle materials processing middeck payload, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL: NASA, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Aircraft furnace for material processing in low-gravity. Marshall Space Flight Center, AL: NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Astro-1: Exploring the invisible universe of ultraviolet and x-ray astronomy. Washington, DC: NASA, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Pamphlet, Gamma Ray Observatory, Washington, DC: NASA and Goddard Space Flight Center, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Protein crystal growth, Huntsville, AL: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Spartan: Science with efficiency and simplicity. Greenbelt, MD: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Protein Crystal Growth Experiments on the Space Shuttle, NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Growing Protein Crystals in Microgravity, NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Crystals and Metals Produced in Space, NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, undated
(Many items in the box are undated.)
Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) Experiments: International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) Mission. Marshall Space Flight Center, AL: NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Microgravity Experiments Projects, undated
(Includes brochure inserts.)
Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) Experiment: Spacelab J (SL-J) Mission, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Microgravity Experiments Projects, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL, undated
(Includes brochure inserts.)